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Old November 28th, 2017, 01:09 PM
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Default Re: WindClan Apprentices' Den

Originally Posted by PeaFlower View Post

Shiningfeather was currently lingering at the entrance of the apprentice's den, that she had previously went to with reluctance, though her light yet determined gait would have fooled any cat who didn't know her well into thinking she was confident.
Truth is she hadn't slept well, anxious at the idea of training a future warrior, but would never admit it to anyone.

She had taken her sweet time grooming herself like every morning, making sure not an inch of fur was misplaced, and took some more time to stretch herself, trying to get rid of the tiredness in her limbs before she had finally headed out of the warrior's den.
For the past days she had wondered if she had made the right choice by taking this rejected apprentice under her wing, which was preposterous : she always made the right choices. Plus, she couldn't have let an apprentice be unsupervised if she could have helped it. Which she did.

Shaking those negative thoughts out of her mind, she took a step inside the apprentice's den. It was fairly empty, so she didn't take much time spotting Jaypaw's dark form. It seemed he had just woken up and was grooming. She let out an appreciative hum. At least he had some basic cleanliness standards. That was always a good thing in her book.
Though, watching him closely, she noticed he seemed slightly agitated. A bad dream, maybe ? Or apprehension for their first training session ?

She slowly approached the apprentice, and sat down, her tail curling up around her as her expression remained blank. She meowed a greeting.
"Good morning, Jaypaw." And she was about to say that and only that, but remembered her previous inquiries. "Did you sleep well ?"
Ears swiveling in the direction of the den entrance, Jaypaw detected movement of another feline. He glanced up from his grooming and blinked, recognizing the figure of Shiningfeather. She had been assigned as his new mentor after his former had decided it wasn't in his taste to train a Half-Clan cat. The thought still snagged his heart like a stubborn bramble, and a flash of annoyance at the older mentor shot through him. At least that was finally over with, and Shininfeather seemed to accepted him. Perhaps things would go smoother.

"Hello, Shininfeather," Jaypaw greeted, dipping his head towards the warrior. He didn't know much about her except that she was a relatively younger warrior, but the tom wasn't one to hold judgment based on how many moons one's paws had roamed the territories. "Just nerves, I think," he mewed hastily, averting his gaze as he let the tiny white lie slip from his maw. He wasn't comfortable enough with anyone in WindClan yet to discuss the nightmares he had been receiving since leaving ThunderClan a moon ago.

Giving his head a shake to dislodge some moss that had nestled its way behind his ear during his slumber. He rose to his paws and gave each of them a stretch in turn, pushing the sleep from his resting muscles. "But I'm ready for training. Excited, actually, to get back into it." Once his former mentor had decided to abandon his training for favor of a full blooded WindClanner, his own education had been placed on a brief hold. Jaypaw figured that no one wanted to step up to claim a Half-Clanner, so the apprentice had given up hope until Shiningfeather had volunteered. For that alone, he was already grateful to the she-cat.
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walkin' in a winder wonderland~