Thread: ~Roseclan~
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Old November 29th, 2017, 08:26 AM
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Default Re: ~Roseclan~

Originally Posted by Wolfheart2329 View Post

Bayclaw quickly nodded before rushing to the elders den. However, there was no cat there. 'But embergaze told me... She must have forgotten. I must have forgotten.'. She turned around to help her mate in the med den. "Feverfew helps cats with the chill, comfrey can soothe scratches and wounds, and horsetail can cure infections and cleanse cuts." she looked at some deathberries lying in the corner. "We better get those to. Our fresh kill pile will be washed away so cats will be willing to eat anything.".
Brokenthorn almost jumped at her voice, glanceing at what she mentioned, not exactly knowing what the berries were for. " Leave those, berries spoil rather fast, and being moist speeds up the process." he said around a mouthfull if herbs, remembering how many times he used to be sent out as an apprentice to get juniper berries. He looked around the den one last time, before running out, glanceing around the camp, and mentally clawing himself. He soulda been awake earlier, the camp was flooding...and it was his fault if anyone was lost, or so he told himself. 'We should have been more prepaired for this.' he thought, wondering why they hadn't been. He looked around the camp, and promiced himself that if there was time, that he would someday return, and hold a cermonial silence, if not for himself, than for what they had lost.