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Old November 29th, 2017, 01:07 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Training Cave

Originally Posted by FadingEchoes View Post

Ripplepaw, ever eager to please, sat up straighter as she considered his question, "Hmmm. How about battling?" She offered to her mentor, her tail flicking in anticipation. She stood, stretching out her muscles as she awaited Reedpelt's response.
Reedpelt smiled and nodded. "You're going to be tested on both hunting and fighting. Now, I've asked a few cats to help with your battle skill assessment. Whisperpaw and Shardpaw," a silver tabby she-cat entered the cave with a larger dark brown tom following her. The two cats sat down next to Reedpelt. "Now, the other Clans aren't going to be fighting fair, so most times you'll be facing two cats. At the moment, you'll be fighting Whisperpaw. She's around your size, so you shouldn't have any problems fighting her off. Once I have decided, you will have the option to take a short break. Then you'll be fighting Shardpaw. Now, Shardpaw's bigger than you are, so you'll need to use your wits as well as your claws. After him, another break, then you'll be fighting them both at the same time. Don't be discouraged if you don't win the battle. I'm assessing you on the moves and how you execute them. You'll be free for the rest of the day after that. Then tomorrow you will be tested on your hunting to give you a little bit of a break. Sound good?"

Whisperpaw smiled eagerly at Ripplepaw. Her excitement was barely contained. "I can't wait to battle!"

Shardpaw just sat there, licking his chest fur. "Just remember, I'm not going easy on you because you're smaller. The fact that you're older should balance that out."