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Old November 29th, 2017, 07:05 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Clearing

Originally Posted by .:Blue Wishes:. View Post

Goldenstar stood confused for a second. He had forgotten about the nickname Serval had given him. Golden took that greeting to be a welcome to go closer to the tom, now where they could both talk to each other without practically yelling across the clearing. He laughed as he saw the smirk on Serval’s face. He didn’t seem to have much respect for anyone in a high Rank, and he could only hope that the warrior didn’t give Halfgaze or Daydream a hard time. How they would react to that, the shorthair had no idea. Either way, Golden was fine with the way Serval acted around him, he almost found it funny to be honest. “I honestly think I should make up a nickname for you,” he said playfully, smiling at the other tom.
"Ah, nothing much. Scrawny mouse, already half-dead frog - problems with leafbare, y'know? On the bright side, though, some other cats will probably have more luck."
“That’s What leafbare is,” Golden said, shrugging. He had never really been a fan of leafbare. He found snow fun to play around in, but it was the cold bite of winter and the lack of prey that made him not like it at much.”It’s better than nothing,” he said, happy that there was still prey running, even if it wasn’t plentiful. One mouse could help the nursery, as small as it might be. He nodded, hoping that other cats did have luck, since they needed all the food they could get. Sure, it might become stale, but in leafbare, stale prey was better than nothing. He knew other cats would bring something in, since there had to be more prey unless Serval scared it all away. However, he highly doubted that Serval scared it all away, despite the possibility that he could have.
"And what about you, hm? How are things in the great world of leaders?"
Golden shrugged as Serval asked about how he was doing. “It’s...stressful,” He said simply. That wasn’t the best way he could compile everything happening between the clans, but he was going to roll with it. “You know, on the brink of war, normal things.” he added, trying his best to explain. Well, he guessed being on the brink of war wasn’t normal, but it had happened so often, anxiety had just become normal. He didn’t need to go into details, his personal problems didn’t seem that big compared to what the clans were going through. Maybe they were, either way, he didn’t need to be a spoiled brat, complaining about everything the world threw at him. Sometimes you have to learn to deal with things, he told himself, as he knew he couldn’t change other cats. As much as he wanted everything to be sunshine and rainbows, he would have to settle for a somewhat cloudy sky and a light drizzle.
”The Clan's running smoothly under your expert leadership from an outside eye, just in case you were interested to know, your greatness."
The leader nodded as Serval continued to speak. Expert leadership. He had never really called his leadership that, but maybe Serval was right. There was a lot of stress behind that leadership though. No matter. Golden was able to realize that Serval was flirting with him, and he laughed. As flirtatious as he was, he was fun to be around, and it let Golden relax. It let him take a little bit of time for himself, and allowed him to take a break from leadership. He was aware of Serval’s tail on his shoulder, and laughed. “Stop flirting, mouse brain,” he teased in a good-natured way. He didn’t exactly want anyone to get the wrong idea, but he didn’t mind either. If you didn’t get mistaken for mates a few times, then you weren’t really friends. Of course, that was a joke. Either way, Serval was a good friend in many ways, the leader cuffing the warrior’s ear playfully, smiling.
(( Sorry for this, I just wanted to try a new style! ))
At the idea of a nickname, the Savannah's smirk grew a little and he nudged Goldenstar. "It'd better be good. I spent AGES thinking up Goldie for you." The leader was definitely fun to tease. Servalspots had never thought of high ranks as "untouchable" as some in the Clan did - he was aware that there were a few cats who believed that high ranks should be treated as completely different cats, like they were fragile and more then a part of the Clan. Like they were gods, or something. Servalspots had never agreed with that depiction and this was proving more then anything else that their leader was far from a god. He was just another one of them. Which was why the Savannah tried to treat him just like another cat in the Clan. As he would any other warrior, flirting and giving him a nickname and messing around with him.

"Yeah. Hard to blend in when you're a big tom like me." The tom shrugged, showing that he wasn't necessarily sensitive about his size. As a matter of fact, Servalspots was quite proud of how large he was. Though he would admit it was a burden while hunting. Even during leaf-fall, the later moons of newleaf and throughout greenleaf when the ground was darker and his pelt blended in more, he still wasn't the greatest hunter. But leaf-bare was the worst - while snow might be fun to play in, it most certainly was not the best for his hunting skills. The white blanket covering everything made him an easy target to pick out, and if prey even glanced his way and saw him, they would run away into their safe little dens.

What little prey there was left, that was. Surviving during the cold leafbare moons was just about the most difficult thing there was to do. At Goldenstar's next words, Serval's ears pricked up in alarm. The brink of war? And Golden was talking about it so calmly? Oh well, he guessed that was why Goldenstar was the leader and he was a warrior. He would not be calm about war. Stressful wouldn't even begin to describe the problems he'd be having in a situation like that. But instead of voicing his concerns, and questioning Golden's leadership, Serval simply relaxed and nodded, now wearing the most confident expression he could muster.

But, the tone changed back to a more lighthearted and friendly one at Golden's good-natured teasing. Serval smirked, now feeling more like himself, and removed his tail from the other tom's shoulders. "And here I was thinking you enjoyed my company. Basking in my presence and all that, y'know?" He teased, once again draping his tail around Golden's shoulders in a casual, buddy-buddy sort of way. He already considered the leader to be a friend. And it was nice to have someone who appreciated his flirting. Even if he didn't like it, he at least was able to appreciate it.

That was something that Servalspots hadn't always had the pleasure of having, was a friend who could appreciate his flirting and be able to accept him for who he was, flirting and all. He had a couple of friends like that now - but he was still frustrated with the homophobic cats who had tried to change him from who he was. If this was who he was, then ShadowClan would just have to accept him for it.

(It's all good! It's cool, I like it c: )

I mentioned on my profile that I was starting over. A fresh start is best for me right now; I've created quite a few new characters, and they will all be on my site, but not all will be used in roleplay right away. it's likely I'll bring them in more gradually.