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Old November 30th, 2017, 03:46 PM
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AbsurdJinx AbsurdJinx is offline
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Default Re: WindClan Territory

Originally Posted by Lonestar23 View Post
The tom gave her a sheepish smile, like he was almost embarrassed. At first he'd felt a little guilty about just watching her guess, but now he was finding this to be fun. It was a game. And Obsidiansky couldn't believe he'd thought Fawnskip was snooty and stuck up and one of those "dumb" - to put it simply - she cats who did nothing but strut around flirting and showing off their looks. No, she was as much fun as anyone else. But she was a different kind of pretty then he was used to, different then Canineheart - who was pretty, but Fawnskip was drop dead gorgeous cat. Cats like that weren't normally found around toms like him. They were found around the inner workings, which Obsidiansky generally stayed out of. To him, the misfits and outcasts made the best friends. But, if Fawnskip was an inner workings kind of cat - she was pretty great too.

"Actually... there were a couple of things we did wrong." Or a few. But a couple is a good number to start with, the others were just - branches off of that. Kind of decisions we made as a result of the bad stuff to clean it up. One bad branch was my fault, the other was hers. The tom thought with a sigh. His branch was still trying to be snuffed out. Hers was getting there, but that didn't mean Obsidiansky didn't miss her. He really missed her. He didn't think about these things when he was with Rainpaw, or Sagewhisker - they never came up. His past never came up, other then the time that Rainpaw had asked if Obsidiansky had known his mother. That had been a pretty painful topic as well.

He remembered Ashstorm, a beautiful and fierce she cat who would have done anything for her kits. Anything for her friends. She had made some of the wrong choices, but she was a brilliant cat. And Obsidiansky had been lucky to know her. "She was the leader in one of them. And isn't this a guessing game? I'm not giving you the answer that easy, Fawnskip!" He purred, his tail twitching back and forth as he did so. He wouldn't say that he would have done anything for her. But yes... he'd loved her. Very much. Before, things had seemed like they could never go wrong.
Fawnskip had thought only one bad thing had happened, let alone a couple. She had trouble imagining Obsidiansky as a troublemaker of sorts, playing a role in breaking the rules. She had assumed he followed the rules, all of them, and would avoid breaking them if he could. But then again, maybe one specifically terrible thing can utterly destroy a cat's personality. Fawnskip wouldn't know, and in all honesty, she was content not knowing. What's that saying? ...Ignorance is bliss? Yes, that's the one. Ignorance truly is bliss, because what you don't know cannot hurt you. Fawnskip enjoyed being ignorant, but she also despised being left out of the loop. Sometimes, she'll settle for not knowing, like when knowing can cause her pain. Other times, she'll do anything to know, such as when she can use her knowledge against someone else.

She scoffed, ``Alright, 'Sid, you caught me, but in my defense, your credulity let you fall for it.`` Fawnskip had a mix of a smile and a smirk across her muzzle, like she was teasing him but she was also fighting the urge to laugh. ``What did she do? Eat prey out on a patrol? Accidentally put a paw over the border?`` Her tone was one laced with sarcasm, an amused gleam in her eye. However, if she could correctly judge Obsidiansky's reaction to her joking words, perhaps she could form an appropriate guess as to what happened to this once-carefree tomcat.

She almost looked over Obsidiansky's happiness in that moment. Fawnskip had successfully gotten the tomcat to actually purr! That was a feat worth bragging about, for sure, and brag she would. Honestly, his joy was contagious, and she felt a warm pleasure flow through her. It was.. nice, actually, to see the usually-reserved tom under the glare of the sun, happy - or at least, Fawnskip hoped he was happy, or at least somewhat happy. And she believed Obsidiansky enjoyed watching her struggling to guess, and just the thought of the tom finding her challenge amusing was enough to bring an equally-amused smile to her face.
My activity is likely gonna be a lil' wacky, so please be patient with me if we're roleplaying! Thank you so much!