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Old December 4th, 2017, 04:28 PM
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Cosmo Cosmo is offline
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Default Re: ThunderClan Clearing


Quietpaw was up to his normal game again. Stick to the shadows. Stay away from everyone. Join no games, be polite, try your hardest to not insult anyone, and stay away from everyone. Don't talk, just be yourself, stay under cover and no one would notice you. Stay with the crowd so you were hard to spot, stay near the nursery as kits were less annoying than apprentices in his eyes. Quietpaw was a apprentice with a big personality, but he didn't show it often. He was just Quiet, Quietpaw. It didn't help that he was fullblooded ShadowClan either. No one wanted to spend time with him, especially since his father was part of the infamous Fuzz Family. With a negligent mother, a father in another clan and siblings who were better at making friends he just wasn't exactly the social butterfly of the family. In fact he was quite the opposite. But that didn't mean that he didn't have a personality behind quiet. For example he noticed things that normal cats wouldn't because he watched conversations so often. He knew when a cat was lying, at least he thought he knew, but Quietpaw lived off what he thought. He believed it until proven wrong, but since he never will talked his opinions never really hurt anybody. He never wanted to hurt anybody, he was aware of his fathers ways and he refused to be anything like that. So though his opinions were different he kept quiet. Arguments were not his thing, fights were not something he needed to win they were something he needed to either conquer or ignore. Currently he was choosing ignore.

Quietpaw knew that with his way over average sized muscular structure, made him look like a nine moon old apprentice rather than a seven moon old one, also made him look like a strong cat who wouldn't mind a fight every now and then. And that was where his appearance failed his personality. Quietpaw was not meek and small, in fact physically he was a giant. Many thought that quiet met weak, but his quiet was a quiet cat with a lot of sass, anger and strength below his invisible social shield. He knew of what cats thought when they saw his appearance, they would probably back away of challenge him to a fight. That wasn't what Quietpaw wanted. Though he wanted a small amount of friends, friends who were quiet like him, he did not want no friends. If cats saw him as a big fierce guy, when would he ever find friends? That was one of the things he thought about frequently.

As he thought, Quietpaw felt himself getting closer and closer to the nursery.
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