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Old December 4th, 2017, 06:12 PM
red_inactive red_inactive is offline
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Default Re: WindClan Territory

Originally Posted by Suspiciousmindz View Post

Blazingstar sighed a little at her words. For a moment, it sounded like she wasn't supporting his decision, but how could he blame her? He sounded crazy. However, he knew his warriors wouldn't understand. They were all there for the confrontations with Snowstar. Only a select few of his warriors were and Rosethorn wasn't one. She definitely wouldn't understand. "I'm going to talk to Shadowclan tomorrow. We need an ally for this fight. With Riverclan's new leader, I can't rely on them anymore," Blazingstar sighed again. With Russetstar's step-down, Windclan and Riverclan's alliance was unstable. He wasn't sure where they stood with that, but it would be okay. Soon enough, they would have other allies and that's what mattered. Even if no one sided with them, Thunderclan would pay dearly for their crimes. Blazingstar was certain of that.
Rosethorn nodded, moving alongside him. She flicked her ears up and looked at him curiously. "Could I be part of your escort?" She asked, genuinely wanting to accompany Blazingstar to at least the border. She could sense that Blazingstar's frustration had grown with the conversation, and ceased attempting to try and lighten the mood. She wasn't sure why she was feeling so protective of the tom, but part of that had to do with the battle, she was sure. She blamed herself for Blazingstar's lost life, blamed herself for not getting there in time, and not taking Hades' life before he took Blazingstar's. She didn't want to make the same mistake again; Blazingstar was a strong cat, but he was weakened by the loss of two lives within a short period of time. As Starclan as her witness, she wasn't going to let him lose another while her heart was still beating.
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