Thread: Chatbox
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Old December 7th, 2017, 09:08 PM
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Default Re: Chatbox

Originally Posted by Okapi View Post
Awesome. Tripped on a pothole two feet deep (estimate) and I have an almost sprained ankle. Basically 24/7 icing it and stretching no crutches atleast...judt taping a bag of ice to my ankle...
Make sure you do 20 minutes on and 20 minutes off for the ice.

Rest is a big need for injured ankles, you might not need crutches, but don't run, jump or anything like that.

After your ankle heals up, try writing the ABCs in the air with your feet to build up the tendons in your ankle. This will help prevent further injuries.

I hope these help! I play soccer and basketball, so I deal with injured ankle and sprains all the time.

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