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Old December 9th, 2017, 12:58 PM
red_inactive red_inactive is offline
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Default Re: Weddings of madness ( private among peeps)

Originally Posted by Sasukewolf (madness) View Post
Naruto smiles happily into the kiss and laughs softly as he gazed into his lovers eyes “ you stole my line” he says playfully as he let’s Sage began a waltz with him. Following his every movement Perfectly in sync with the man he loved. He smiles softly “ yes it has. To think a wolf can bow to the stars is quite interesting... yet so exciting” he says as he begins to rest his head on sages shoulder his warm breath against his neck as he smiles happily at him “ one might say it’s too perfect. I’m willing to bet winter is planning something for sure” he says playfully
Sag frowned. "He better not or I'll knock him flat." He grumbled ever so slightly, although smiling as he gently rested his head against Naruto's. "Star-boy deserves this happy day, and it doesn't need to be disturbed." He huffed, sounding strongly like the older brother he was. His face relaxed though and he lead Naruto across the room as they danced, the sun high in the sky. The wedding was likely to be in soon, but Sage was going to savor this moment. He gently spun Naruto around again, before swaying to the side and bringing Naruto back to continue the dance. He gently pressed his lips against Naruto's forehead. "You know, if Angel saw this he wouldn't let it go." He joked gently, finishing the dance and holding Naruto close, resting his head on Naruto's. "And Valentine would tease us mercilessly."
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