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Old December 18th, 2017, 05:39 AM
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Default Re: DRAGONCLAN powerplay

Originally Posted by Redwood Sienna View Post
Trappedpaw nodded, "Yeah, it probably is." He meowed smiling.
"At my old clan, the apprentices den didn't have any branches or anything covering it, so it got freezing during Leaf-bare, especially when it snowed. (Is that what they call it or do they call it something else?)" Trappedpaw meowed. He started getting nervous so he wrapped his tail around his paws, and looked at the ground. thanks
(Gosh I could have sworn I had replied, then again I had trouble with my connexion yesterday.)

"Wow." Was all Magpiepaw could say at first. "Might as well sleep outside a den ..." She chuckled.
She eyed the newcomer rogue whose name she didn't know, who was apparently avoiding eye-contact with her, and she watched him visiting camp.
She noticed Trappedpaw seemed to act nervous. "Is something bothering you ?" She asked, but before letting him answer she meowed as the rogue's wanderings gave her an idea. "I could offer you a tour of the camp, if you'd like, I mean ... unless you already visited it, of course ..."
Great, now she was nervous as well.
If you want to roleplay with me, I'll always accept !