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Old December 22nd, 2017, 07:42 PM
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Default Re: WindClan Territory

Originally Posted by AbsurdJinx View Post

Fawnskip did like the area. The lone tree stood apart from the bland moor, popping out like a rabbit among foxes. She liked things that were different, that did not blend in with everything else. She thrived to be unique, but it was quite difficult to do so when she had to adjust her personality to please her targets. She found that with Obsidiansky, there wasn't too much she had to change. She could still be the fun-loving feline she genuinely is, but she cannot freely flirt like she enjoys seeing how it makes him uncomfortable. Yet Fawnskip is looking to change that... perhaps when they reach their next destination. Right now, she doesn't have the patience she normally does to string Obsidiansky along. She wants to jump straight to the chase, and well, she's willing to cry for it, to wail to the heavens about lies such as how the world betrayed her. Maybe if she could get the dark-pelted tom's deepest sympathies...

She was distracted by her thoughts when Obsidiansky broke into a run, but quickly was brought back to reality when he took off in a blur. Fawnskip took a moment to register her shock, but then she was after him as well. ``Cheater!`` she called ahead in a playfully accusing tone. She was about a couple fox-lengths behind him, her strides lengthy and swift in an attempt to at least catch up to him. However, she stumbled slightly, causing her to slow and fall behind by a fox-length or so more. Fawnskip still gave it her all trying to make this a challenge, but she was very much aware of the fact that she would not be gaining another victory. When the two of them came to a halt, though, she certainly would not let him go on believing he'd won fair and square. No, she'd playfully deny and deny and, well, deny.
The feel of the wind through his pelt was what the tom lived for. It was what he just loved doing. Every cat had something that calmed them down, or that made them feel happy... Obsidiansky's was running. Especially with a friend, and Fawnskip? Well, she was the newest addition to his group of friends. She was different then the cats he normally befriended. She seemed like she was in the inner circles of a "popular" group of cats - besides Sagewhisker, no one else he knew really had a lot of friends. It was what he liked about those cats. They were the hidden gems of the Clan, and selfishly, Obsidiansky was glad that he got to spend so much time with them even if it meant they were alone sometimes. He would, of course, work on getting them more friends. That was another thing he loved to do.

He just loved other cats in general, helping them and being helped by them... spending time with them... the only thing he didn't tolerate was bullying. And, flirting was something he just wasn't comfortable with. Compliments were okay, but when they were given in a flirtatious manner, it made him feel sort of weird all over. He was forgetting all of his current troubles. They were gone, far away to where they could never bother him again. Which made Obsidiansky even more pleased. "Catch me if you can!" He called back over his shoulder, slowing down just the slightest bit in order to speak to Fawnskip before he sped up again. The spot he was taking her was just ahead. It was, to him, the prettiest spot to spend until the sun went down. Watching the sky turn all sorts of colors and the moon become visible along with Silverpelt, well, it was just about one of the most magical things he could think of.

The little things in life were what really seemed to impress him. A smile, a sweet scent, a friendly word, or the perfect weather... those were the things Obsidiansky liked. Oh sure, he liked big things as well, grand gestures were certainly never overrated, but if you wanted to approach him romantically... bit by bit was the way to do it. Unfortunately for Fawnskip, he was not the type of cat to rush into anything - being spontaneous in matters like that wasn't him, not anymore. He didn't want to go back to the way he used to be. So he was going to fight it with every part of him... with every part that wanted to fight back, that was.
Originally Posted by Cloudy View Post
At the small hint of a smile approaching Obsidiansky's maw, Canineheart beamed, gracious for the happiness. The she-cat gave a little skip, her heart was light as air. She hoped that even though it was a small grin, that it was an authentic one. Canineheart flicked her tail tip on to Obsidiansky's shoulder, though not so much in a flirtatious way, as much as comforting. The awkwardness that stained his stature was almost infectious, but Canineheart discarded it, trying to make sure that their conversation, which hadn't been as bad as before, didn't become too terrible. As Obsidiansky muttered his thanks, Canineheart caught the blush creeping on to his complexion; though she didn't regret making the compliment, she hated making the tom feel awkward. And as she trotted forward, enraptured on her own thoughts of the future to come, she almost forgot of her companion. Would Sagewhisker get in the way, or Fawnskip? Both of the she-cats seemed to be obsessed with Obsidiansky. As she continued on her way, Canineheart almost missed the comment that the tom had made. But she waited a few moments, as the words finally registered, and she whipped around to face Obsidiansky. "Sorry," she meowed, her emerald eyes darting everywhere, trying calculate how long she had zoned out. "I- well, life's been good. I've really only been focusing on my warrior duties, and that's sort of been distracting me. Cats haven't been bothering me, which is a surprise. She let out a little chuckle, her eyes flashing with amusement. "How about you? Are Sagewhisker and Fawnskip doing okay?"
The tom nodded understandingly as Canineheart spoke, shifting the rabbit in his maw slightly, struggling to keep it there right. "Well-" He began, then stopped as the creature slid a little. The sound of his voice was muffled by it, and he wasn't sure why he was having such a hard time keeping a hold on it. It could have something to do with him wanting to smile at the same time, though Obsidiansky could have sworn he hadn't been smiling - the rabbit should be staying put! His eyes, however, told a different story - lit up with a sort of fiercely happy light that betrayed his pleasure at being out here at the moment. Now that he was confident he could act normally around Canineheart, without worrying about offending her in any way or messing anything up with her, Obsidiansky felt like a weight had been lifted off his chest. Perhaps this would work out after all. Maybe this messy tangle would just... untangle itself, and he could sit back and watch it happen once more. Though if Obsidiansky was going to make a move at all, he had better do it soon. He was already getting older, and pretty soon? Pretty soon it just might be too late. "Like I was saying, they're doing good. Fawnskip's been... herself, and Sage's been doing alright. I've been working on helping her through this, it's kinda rough on her... I think... I mean, y'know, she told me how she felt and I, uh... guess I wasn't as responsive as she wanted, and if it doesn't work for her this'll be her secret big heartbreak..." His words were muffled and a little slurred as he spoke, trying to talk around the animal in his mouth. He probably shouldn't have told Canineheart anything about Sagewhisker's confession, but he'd figured it wouldn't do much harm, especially since he hadn't responded exactly positively, not in the sense that he had chosen her, anyways. Not... yet.

I mentioned on my profile that I was starting over. A fresh start is best for me right now; I've created quite a few new characters, and they will all be on my site, but not all will be used in roleplay right away. it's likely I'll bring them in more gradually.