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Old December 24th, 2017, 03:27 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Highpeak

Originally Posted by Lonestar23 View Post
The tom had to agree with his friend - nothing would change. He was the same old "Marshy" and she was the same "lil' Minty," and they were still best friends. Of course, perhaps he would have to be just a little more responsible... though it would be hard for the tom, Marshjump had always been reckless. He didn't have a reputation or anything, and thankfully he cared enough about Mintpaw to want to make sure she would stay safe. He was excited for the day when she would be a full warrior - but he was getting way ahead of himself now. She had just become an apprentice, after all! A mew of pleasure escaped the tom, and he basically wriggled with excitement at the thought of being able to explore all new places with Mintpaw. "We'll be able to do all sorts of new things now, lil' Minty! We can go to the borders, and... and we can explore so much more, and - of course I'll have to train you, but you're smart, so it'll make my job easy... and I'll be sure to make it fun, of course! We'll have lots of fun!" He put his paw against the smaller cat's back, drawing her towards him in a sort of hug, a purr rumbling in his chest and throat and a goofy smile on his maw. He was so excited. It was impossible for him to think about "looking professional" right now when he was ready to go to new places with Mintpaw. It felt like the two of them were the greatest team there ever had been, and ever would be.
Mintpaw giggled at his words, grinning with excitement. And when he wrapped his paw around her and pulled her close in a hug, she snuggled closer into his chest and pushed her nose into his fur, inhaling his familiar scent. She did that often, not really sure why. He smelled good to her. Unable to explain it, even to herself, she gave up and smirked up at him. "Of course we'll have fun!" She said enthusiastically, lifting her muzzle and rubbing her head against his chest before pressing his nose to his chin. She was purring as well, not as loud, but loud enough. She liked the affection he seemed to be showing her. It made her feel... Good. Warm. Safe. Loved. Happy. Heck, the words weren't even enough of an explanation for how she felt, but she didn't need to explain it. She showed it in her smile, her giggles, her affectionate gestures, so that was okay. "Training will be so easy. And then soon we'll be warriors together." She smirked, eyes gleaming brightly. "Won't that be fun? We'll be so unstoppable."
When Angels Fall With Broken Wings
I Can't Give Up, I Can't Give In
When All Is Lost And Daylight Ends
I'll Carry You, And We Will Live

Profile picture drawn by my lovely girlfriend, Stardust