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Old December 26th, 2017, 04:48 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Merry Megan View Post

Meadowflower nodded her head in agreement. "I don't think there is anyone in the warriors den at the moment. They must all be out hunting today. They might as well since it's sunny enough." the molly agreed. Meadowflower lifted up her paw, giving it a quick lick and drew it over her left ear. She did that a couple of times before stopping to look at Shadetail. 'I think I'll go out hunting as soon as i'm done hanging out with Shadetail. He's actually a very nice guy.' she thought before realizing she was getting lost in her thoughts again.

Meadowflower let out a hiss of annoyance. "I keep getting lost in thought. I'm sorry if I quit talking or paying attention I have very bad attention span. I always end up making cats feel like I'm ignoring them, but the truth is i'm not." apologized the Shadowclan molly. meadowflower realized that she had just apologized for being 'Distracted'. She just always had a hard time. even her mentor could hardly understand her and now she felt sorry for her mentor, especially since they had to deal with her.
Shadetail nodded in agreement as he watched the warriors den. He was glad he'd spent the better part of this morning out hunting, so he didn't feel as guilty for soaking up some rays as he was now. His contribution to the pile would surely feed a few hungry mouths in ShadowClan, and tomorrow he would go out a bit earlier to see if he could catch any more. Hopefully the sun kept up it's streak; it would be a much appreciated change to hunt with a little bit of light to show the way and warm the earth under his paws.

"Oh, you're perfectly fine," he told her, shaking his head. There wasn't any need for the she-cat to worry; in fact, he barely noticed her lapse in attention. It wasn't often that a member of the Clan sat and talked with him for this long, so he was doing the best he could to just sit politely and converse with her. Realizing now how tired his muscles were from his earlier expeditions, Shadetail figured a nap was well earned after his territory trip. The tom parted his jaws in a yawn and got to his paws, leaning backwards to give his forelegs a good stretch. "However, I think I might retire to the warriors den soon to get a few moments of rest. I want to be ready incase Goldenstar needs a dusk patrol to go out later tonight," he mewed, glancing at Meadowflower. "Perhaps we could go hunting together sometime?"
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walkin' in a winder wonderland~