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Old December 28th, 2017, 07:30 PM
Galaxy Of Wisdom Galaxy Of Wisdom is offline
The Madness King
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Default Re: Quotes from my ocs!

Originally Posted by Cheshire cat View Post
@Sasukewolf (madness)
How about one that's from sliver to raven ? I know it's not one that's how I say...built up? But it would be neet to see one since the others are pretty awesome ! The raven from the alliance rp...if not it ok
Sliver to raven
I’m not a saint my love. My father has gone mad and my .. other father doesn’t see me as his own.
I’m a warrior of darkness however when we met I didn’t feel like that at all. I fell in love with you faster than Narutos healing!
And that’s something I don’t usually fall in love with others since many just leave as soon as they find out what I can do....
Yet you didn’t look at me like... you were brave and head on even against my flirting. You just flirted back! And that made my heart jump... that was rare something I never really felt before yet... I found myself loving it.
Loving the warm feeling I get when we see each other, the fast beating of my heart when you laugh and that cute little dumb smile of yours that always leave me breathless... I fell in love with you.
To this day I find myself falling deeper and deeper even Naruto saw this and teased about it constantly asking when’s the wedding....
Yet I never really got to confess, but when I did... you blushed. I never wanted to kiss someone so badly yet you did it for me. Kissing me passionately and I immediately kissed back. I was happy... so dang happy that Sasuke took notice of this. He didn’t smile but he did warn me saying “ Hold her close before you lose her.”

I guess he told me that out of experience but.. know this my love..
I will always be by your side. Even when the world is against us, and my father has gone insane or... when you go insane I’ll be there to snap you out of it! Why? Because I love you and only you... if you somehow end up... killing me... know that I forgive you... it’s not your fault after all.
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