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Old December 28th, 2017, 08:08 PM
Galaxy Of Wisdom Galaxy Of Wisdom is offline
The Madness King
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Default Re: ★ The Tribe of Falling Stars ★

Originally Posted by tinyalienkid View Post
♡ h e c k ♡

lone digger stayed silent for an extended period of time. his frame was tense, gaze vigilant. he sighed and lowered his head, looking to the ground. "yes," the tom mewed quietly, claws unsheathed and tearing into the ground. he sniffed and decided not to go onwards with his answer. lone digger only perked his ears and listened for what ending heart had to say. was he going to be yelled at? exhiled? labeled as a disgrace?

he could only wait as he remained turned away from the leader's piercing eyes. his heart pounded in his chest, nearly ripping from beneath the ribs protecting it. stillness filled the aura around him, not even a breath being heard. internally, lone digger was a mess. he was yowling with possibilites, blood rushing in his ears. might as well kick my rank goodbye. he's going to tell running wind, then i'm going to be exhiled and left on my own. the tribe is my home! i was born here! i can't just leave! i'm the only one of my family's bloodline that is still alive, his thoughts trailed off as he prepared an argument to defend his rights within the tribe.

♡ character note:
lone digger doesn't pay much attention to the other cats in the tribe, so he doesn't know much about anyone elses' sexualities or gender identities, and how they are accepted in the tribe. ♡
Even better XD)
He smiles “ I knew it. Here I thought that kind of thing didn’t happen here. I’m bisexual but I lean more towards Toms~” he says with a soft purr looking at him worried a bit. “ whoa boy! Easy I’m not going to tell anyone hell im not sure if it’s even ... bad? But don’t worry I won’t tell if you don’t tell.” He Says worrying and almost freaking out a bit as he stands up. Licking the guards head a bit hoping that would calm him down. “ come boy easy there” he says softly and calmly