Thread: ELSGUARD rp
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Old January 1st, 2018, 12:47 AM
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Default Re: ELSGUARD rp

Originally Posted by Drago Victinius Bloodward View Post
Fire smiled menacingly "oh you sure about that" he said turning he blasted fire at her army which would've obliterated the army if claw hadn't appeared to absorb the blast he was wearing a set of armor that gave him access to a small portion of his power though the small portion was still powerful ryze also appeared beside claw sword in hand (oh now the butt whoopin begins) without looking at each other they rushed forward at inhuman speed reaching the 6 stunned enemies in seconds and with claw taking on fire siroga and hades and ryze fighting the other 3 drago grinned under his helmet his armor started glowing and his eyes rolled back arya stepped back in surprise her sky blue eyes narrowed in curiosity them widening in surprise as with a thrust of his open palms drago emitted a burst of power that was potent enough to blast the 6 enemies into the moutains side and out the other side he then pursued them with ryze while claw took command of the battle rushing into battle which the enemy army was currently winning he roared "do not falter men of ELSGUARD you fight not just for your kingdom or king or queen no you fight for your freedom your family and youur lives so FIGHT I SAY FIGHT DRIVE BACK THESE INVADERS SHOW THEM THE TRUE BATTLE SKILLS OF DRAGONS" with that the men rallied and started mercilessly cutting through the enemies army meanwhile drago and ryze chased off the 6 enemies (thats there nicknames now) and returned to the battle drago threw himself into battle alongside his army of the dawn ryze following him drago roared as he slammed into the enemy ranks his men roared with him as morale soared and the army of the dawn went from being a bunch of recruits to being the fiercest army on the battlefield despite the lack of training and equipment the army of the dawn was made up of potent magic users which the army now unleashed balls of fire tore holes into the enemy ranks along with ice blasts and rocks and even a death mist which took out a large group of elves in mere seconds

Spirit smirked having cast a protective spell on all her warriors and continued to fight her father in law with double swords” oh yeah I am sure about it.” *she said as the army of dusk shot ice and black fire at the enemies.*

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