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Old January 1st, 2018, 11:40 AM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Nursery

Originally Posted by Constellation View Post

Honeythistle set the ferns down, his ears twitching at hearing Cloudstrike greet him. When he lifted his head, his whiskers twitched with amusement. It had occurred to him that every time he seen her, even if he had been away from her for a few seconds of the sun’s light, she always say Hi, Honey! So sweetly, so fondly. It was like she was greeting him for the first time that day, and it made him chuckle slightly. He stared at the moss on the ground, nodding at it before looking back up at her. “Hi, Dove,” The tom greeted softly, acknowledging the fact that she called to him first, so he did it right back. His were more in a teasing purr, however, and as he picked up the ferns once more, brushing past his mate to go to her chosen spot, “You ready to start this?” His teeth was clenched onto the substance, so his words came out slightly muffled. He was ready to help build her nest, then go fetch soft flowers for her to sleep on. Vaguely, he recalled a silver tabby molly, who was a poor excuse of a warrior in his opinion, but that was another story. He didn’t know her name, but she built her nest out of petals. Honeythistle wondered if sleeping on flower petals was as soft as the molly made it look. Shaking his head, Honeythistle glanced at Cloudstrike. He needed to focus on her first. Nosing the ferns in place, the tom surveyed the area once more, contemplating a plan on how Cloudstrike wanted to start this. From earlier, he mused about the crazy idea of her name. Now, that thought was still there, faintly brushed aside. Yet, it would appear again once he put himself to work. “So, I was thinking that we decorate your nest with flowers after we set the moss and ferns into place...?” He eyed her, curiously, as if waiting to see what she wanted to do first. “Unless you want the flowers now, we can go fetch some.” He says, calmly breathing. The thought of wondering what type of flower Cloudstrike favorited flew through his mind, but it was gone now because he figured he’d know later, anyway.
Cloudstrike purred as she saw Honeythistle’s amusement and heard his greeting. He didn’t usually return her cheerful greetings, not that Cloudstrike really noticed, but it made her happy to hear his amused voice. She discerned a note of fondness that made her feel special. In that moment, she wasn’t one of five or a member of the clan, she was Honeythistle’s mate. Honeythistle got right to work and Cloudstrike hung back a moment to watch. He was cute when he was focused. He nosed the ferns into place and Cloudstrike nudged her moss over, figuring she’d join in once it came time to add the moss. As Honeythistle worked, Cloudstrike’s thoughts drifted to other things. For example, she was thinking about how lovely it would feel if they could take clouds from the sky to put in their nests. Honeythistle’s voice shook her from her thoughts and she murmured an affirmative. “We can get the flowers later.” It was what Honeythistle had suggested first, so Cloudstrike assumes it was the best course of action. As she spread the moss over the ferns, Cloudstrike looked up at Honeythistle’s grassy eyes and purred, “Wouldn’t it be nice if we could make our nests with cloud?” Her diamond eyes blinked innocently at him as her paws moved subconsciously to spread the moss around her nest, forming a large, comfortable, structured place to sleep.
go ahead and cry little girl, no one does it like you