Thread: ELSGUARD rp
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Old January 1st, 2018, 09:40 PM
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Default Re: ELSGUARD rp

Originally Posted by Drago Victinius Bloodward View Post
The battle which had started at dusk lasted into the next day it was noon by the time the battle was over the field was covered in corpses mostly of the enemy but there we're a good number of elsguard soldiers drago and arya stood side by side at the edge of the field watching the teams of dragons whose job it was to ge the wounded and dead from the battlefield pick their way around claw had already returned to his palace with Ryze and dragos army of the dawn had made their camp beyond the valley and was getting their much deserved rest out of the 10k soldiers he had led into battle 2k of them had died with another 500 wounded he was still waiting to hear the reports from spirit and darkwings meanwhile aryas army of the night originally 15k strong now only had 10k with 1k wounded

Spirit reported of seeing the former king as she laid in her bed hurting a bit but when she stood she shook it off. Her army of dusk was down from 12k to only 7k. But she stood there and bowed her head as her wolf sister had gone missing. She knew she would be ok or so she hoped. Spirit looked to the outside.

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