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Old January 6th, 2018, 03:11 PM
red_inactive red_inactive is offline
Join Date: Oct 2016
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Default Re: ShadowClan Medicine Cat's Den

@mompaws @Aleka @Aura @Celestial @Sasukewolf (madness) @king kaleb!
(None of the kits are blind- they haven’t opened their eyes yet.)

Ebonymist bowed her head in mourning for the dead kit at her paws, holding back a sob that would only serve to worry the kits and promote them to begin wailing as well. “Thank you, Daydream.” She managed, her voice hitching slightly. “I... I know you strongly dislike StarClan but could-could you tell me if my darling Salamanderkit is among them?” She asked, looking up at Daydream with desperation clear in her orange pools. It would be enough to provide the new mother with comfort that her kit had a spirit and could reunite with them in the afterlife. Ebonymist knew that Daydream would likely decline- the cat made it clear that they did not like StarClan. But some part of her clung on to the hope that the feline before her would accept. They were the only one besides Goldenstar who could talk to the stars, and Ebonymist hardly knew the leader. She didn’t want to burden him with her wish to know is Salamanderkit had a spirit. Ebonymist focused her orange eye on Lostface and nodded slightly as Daydream offered to let them have some time alone. “I would like that.” She replied, although it took her a moment to manage to speak. She gazed at Daydream for a moment with a sad smile, piping up before the cat left. “Thank you again, my friend.” She murmured.

Once the non-bianary feline left, Ebonymist turned to Lostface with a look of sorrow clear in her eye. “I’m sorry.” She croaked softly, looking back down at the small, cold kit between her paws. “I should’ve seen the signs and-and I didn’t and fought anyways. He’s dead because of me.” She whispered and lowered her head. She couldn’t help but feel it was her fault because she never thought that The sudden weight gain was from kits and fought while she should have been in the nursery. She held back a mournful meow and gently rose her head to lick Lostface’s nose gently and lean her head against his. She didn’t speak, only sitting there with Lostface and her kits before she finally looked at Lostface and picked the dead kit up. “Could you bury him in that small clearing we met in for the first time?” She asked softly, growing sentimental and doing her best to keep from crying in front of her kits even though they couldn’t see.
Inactive account: keeping just for archival purposes.