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Old January 6th, 2018, 04:03 PM
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Default Re: SkyClan Medicine Cat's Den

Originally Posted by AbsurdJinx View Post
@king kaleb! [in case you wanna see the aftermath]

Juniperpaw watched Daydream go with a fallen expression on her face, silently cursing herself for her never-ending streak of mistakes. She was thinking about everything that's happened in the last few moons when she was brought back to reality by Nightpaw who started after Daydream but was stopped by Shinefang. Juniperpaw looked from Shinefang to Nightpaw, and couldn't bear the look that was pained on the warrior apprentice's face. Though she felt the urge to crumple to the ground and wail for everything that's happened, she instead approached Nightpaw with a soft smile. ``It's okay, Nightpaw,`` Juniperpaw reassured in what she hoped was a comforting tone, ``Daydream just needs time to think. Now, let's gather those herbs. I'll help you carry them back to ShadowClan, if you'd like.``

As she brushed past Nightpaw, touching her tail-tip to the ShadowClan cat's shoulder, Juniperpaw avoided the gazes of the remaining cats in the den. She feared that if she looked at them, they'd be able to see her hurt or maybe she'd be able to see their disappointment. Clearing her throat and blinking away threatening tears, Juniperpaw called over her shoulder to Shinefang as she began to paw the herbs into a neater pile, ``Will you be alright here without me, Shinefang?`` The old medicine cat had just lost a patient, after all, and Juniperpaw could definitely relate to the pain that came with it. She wasn't sure if she should leave the older tom with his thoughts.
@king kaleb! (for stalking)

Nightpaw nodded silently, taking comfort in Juniperpaw's words though she could see she was bothered as well. She set to work gathering the herbs that Shadowclan medicine cat had left, with Juniperpaw there to help. At Juniperpaw's offer, she struggled with how to reply. She wasn't sure what the best thing to say was. Would Daydream run off and not want to talk to her either if she showed up at the border with Juniperpaw? Would they have the chance to talk out what happened? What would make this situation better? Worse? In the end, Nightpaw settled for, "I think I can carry it all on my own, but you can help if you want to."

Shinefang shook his head at Juniperpaw's questions. "It's not the first time I've lost a cat. It won't be the last. I'll be just fine," Shinefang replied coolly. And he was certain this was true. Even if this had rattled him, he'd recover. Just like every death, he'd just need time. "They're going to be fine," he said to the Riverclan cat, knowing that in spite of her stoic demeanor, no cat liked to hurt their friends, and there was bound to be guilt. "They can't stay mad forever. They'll cool down once the pain eases." He grabbed a large beach leave off his shelf and placed it with the shecats, along with a wrapped packet of poppy seeds. "They took hardly any, and I have them to spare," he said.
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