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Old January 7th, 2018, 02:38 PM
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Default Re: SkyClan Apprentices' Den

Originally Posted by Thistledawn View Post
Sadness prickled at the younger apprentice's paws. Cherrypaw didn't want to let down Foxpaw. She'd just met him and she didn't want to ruin their friendship so soon. Foxpaw wasn't like other cats, so it was interesting to talk to him. The white she-cat was entertained by him at the very least. She didn't want to give that up. She didn't want to reject him so soon and so suddenly, but what choice was he giving her? Much to Cherrypaw's surprise, the ginger tom didn't seem all too upset. He was. . . entertained? Pleased? It was like he was feeling the opposite of what any normal cat was supposed to feel after being rejected. He'd called her sweetheart even still. Foxpaw's reaction was far too casual. The younger apprentice felt her emotions turning around once more. She wasn't even sure what she was feeling anymore. Angry? Confused? Worried? Hurt? Frustrated? Lied to? It felt like the other apprentice was playing games again. Cherrypaw squinted her blue eyes at him. What did he mean used to being turned down?

"For your information," The white she-cat was on the brink of seething, trying hard to keep her cool, but hardly doing so. "I hadn't turned you down. I'd hardly said anything." She stated matter-of-factly. Cherrypaw was going to let Foxpaw know she was right and he was wrong. What about exactly, Cherrypaw wasn't too sure, but she knew she was right. "And you don't get to change the topic so easily, Foxpaw. I don't like that." She huffed. "With all this flirting and name calling, I think you're trying to take advantage of me or something. It sounds like something you do a lot to lots of she-cats since you're 'used to being turned down.'" As soon as she'd said it, Cherrypaw wondered if the green-eyed tom had said that to make her feel bad. No matter why he said it, it seemed pretty dumb to her. If she thought honestly about it, it hurt her feelings. It was like Foxpaw had told her that there were more important cats in line before her.

Cherrypaw just wanted to claw Foxpaw's whiskers off. Instead, she just flexed her claws and lashed her white tail. He was too confusing and too much. The most annoying part was that Cherrypaw liked him despite how much he frustrated her. She thought that he was a good cat underneath all of the seemingly meaningless flirting that he did. She undeniably fell for his compliments multiple times, but he'd also taken it too far, and dug himself a hole right in front of Cherrypaw. The younger apprentice stared into Foxpaw's eyes, unsure if she wanted him to stay in that hole, or if she wanted him to find his way out of it.
The tom listened carefully to her words, his green eyes sparkling against his ginger coat, standing out there like two emeralds floating. Every time she finished a statement he would nod, or murmur an "I see" or "well," before she was done talking. When he was absolutely sure that she was finished, he straightened up a little in his nest, his posture becoming better and more rigid and he looked almost proper. "If you're done lecturing me about what I said, I have something else I would like to say." He mewed, sarcasm coming into his voice as he glanced across at her - almost through her, like she was no longer there. Though it was impossible to look through the she cat, she was hard to miss. Pretty white coat, pretty blue eyes, feisty but sweet... very much the type of she cat Foxpaw would love to spend more time with. Good thing he had caught her interest, her little lecture earlier had shown him that.

"First off, I'm pretty sure that you were going to turn me down. Unless you've changed your mind and would like to spend some more time with me, hm, sweetheart?" The tom winked, a mischievious purr rumbling in his throat. But before she could say anything, he continued, determined to get all of his thoughts out before she could remark on him being anything else, or his habits being anything else. He was a good cat! He worked hard (sometimes), he didn't break hearts - or he didn't try to - and he was really interested in Cherrypaw! Foxpaw was pretty sure he could get her to crush on him, and then they really would get to be together, just like he said! "Second, I was just trying to make you feel more at ease, darling. You clearly were uncomfortable with the subject, so I was changing it for you. I believe the words you should say now are thank and you?"

The tom asked, a smirk coming over his maw as he leaned forward a little in his nest, his green eyes sparkling eagerly as he watched Cherrypaw. Again, he didn't leave much room before he finished his thoughts. "And finally, if I were trying to take advantage of you, you would be all over me right now. I can be VERY charming when want to be, love. You haven't even seen my best yet. I promise you you have my full attention, but I want you to like me for me, not because I charmed you into it." Lies, lies, and more lies. That was Foxpaw's best, and he was trying to charm her into liking him.

Not that she would ever need to know that. Foxpaw tended to be somewhat of a scandal, and while no one seemed threatened by that, it was still something that she cats in particular needed to watch out for when he was flirting with them.

I mentioned on my profile that I was starting over. A fresh start is best for me right now; I've created quite a few new characters, and they will all be on my site, but not all will be used in roleplay right away. it's likely I'll bring them in more gradually.