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Old January 10th, 2018, 11:30 AM
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Default Re: WindClan Medicine Cat's Den

Originally Posted by Mystical View Post

@Zero to Hero @2018 Okapi

Oriolekit padded into the medicine den confidently. She had just watched Surgestorm and an apprentice leave the den, and she was positive she would be able to get out of the den in time so that they would not catch her in what she was about to do. Her bright amber eyes searched the den for the closest herb store. She quickly discovered a low to the ground pile of green leaves and another of what looked like flowerish things. She went over and began batting them all over the place, mixing them up with whatever was in her way and cluttering them all over the floor. As she ran around, she hit a cobweb, and sputtering stepped back. Instead of being annoyed, Oriolekit smirked. She pawed at it until she had it safely stored in her paws. She lifted it up, and then placed in what looked like Surgestorm's bed. She smiled, looking around at the messy place she decided that it had been a worthy revenge. But what she heard turned her smile into a fearful frown. She heard the the sound of a cat approaching, and by the smell, it was Surgestorm.
Yellowpaw snapped out of her flirting stage,” Oricolekit.” She wasn’t going to scar a kit with her flirting with Surgestorm. She would keep Oricolekit aware of the innocent kit world only.
RIP Blizz

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