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Old January 11th, 2018, 11:07 AM
Galaxy Of Wisdom Galaxy Of Wisdom is offline
The Madness King
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Default Re: Third eye ( horror rp)

Yes we are!!)
It was dark and one might say cramped a bit due to the many people there. But alone in the dark, Naruto was leaning against the wall watching the door. His once beautiful blonde hair now messy and covered in dry blood. He wore a old shirt along with some louse rags for pants only held together with some kind of string. His eyes however remained the same. Strong, proud and beautiful like the ocean. He looks around and soon sees Sage, with a soft smile he whispers the man’s name “ sage. Over here.”

Just outside the door was Sasuke standing tall and strong by the door. His eyes glowed dangerously, his left eye was as blue as the depths of the sea and his right eye due to his successful suppression of the third eye was now red in color like blood. He leans against the wall looking though the bars of the door “ .. Can y’all hear me? Tord?” He whispers softly in his dark husky voice eyes forward and watching the hallway making sure no one was coming.