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Old January 11th, 2018, 07:02 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Medicine's Cat Den

Originally Posted by AbsurdJinx View Post
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Juniperpaw shot up in her nest the second a spotted-pelted feline entered the den. Some of the undergrowth that built her nest was tossed from its place at her abrupt movement and she turned her head sharply to blankly watch bits of it come undone. After a moment of staring at the nest she'd have to fix later Juniperpaw looked back to her next patient and flashed the irritated she-cat a bright grin, clearly unfazed by Rainpelt's cold greeting. The young medicine cat shuffled closer to Rainpelt and despite the warrior's irritable nature, was reminded of the nursery. ``Uh, well, if you've been feeling ill for weeks now I think I should do something more than toss you an herb and demand you swallow it.`` The mottled apprentice was already putting things together. She wasn't oblivious to the signs, especially being raised in a den where such cats expressed these signs.

Based off Rainpelt's sharp tongue and short temper, Juniperpaw wasn't sure if the feline was ready for this step in life, but it wasn't her place to say. Instead, she sat down and tilted her head slightly as she questioned, ``You say you've been feeling nauseous? Are you eating more than normal? Does your stomach feel odd?``

Rainpelt's tail gave a single irritated lash as she stared down at the medicine cat. She should have known there was no way this would quick. The younger cat was going to waste her time with inane questions. She gave a huff, "I'm attempting to eat more than usual. No luck recently with that." The question about her stomach made her flick an ear, narrowing her gaze she quietly admitted. "Yes... Like it's quivering." Wrinkling her nose with disgust, she guessed at what the medicine cat might be leaning. "Do you suppose I have some kind of parasite?" she asked, her cold demeanor faltering as she raked her mind for an memories of a cat who had gotten belly worms and how they were treated.
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