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Old November 22nd, 2016, 10:43 PM
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Default Re: SkyClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Octavia View Post

Aetherwing was infact 100% serious about his teaching style, and unless it meant him being pushed off a conveniently placed, she'd have to deal with him, every minute of it! Tilting his head over he couldn't help but smirk as much as a cat could, tail flicking to and from. Glancing back at Bramblestripe, a look of shock on his face he couldn't help but take a step towards the meekish she-cat. "They did too fly! You just weren't out hunting with me that day!"

Transitioning from the amused expression tabby couldn't help but furrow his brow, developing a serious expression, "Well when you put it that way, I guess being old enough to be an apprentice is all that matters. Do you even know the first rule of warrior way?" He asked, getting as serious as he could, which was laughable to anyone who knew him.

Skyepaw on the other paw was more and more confused by Aetherwing's antics, having only really grown up with other she-cats she was intrigued, leaning over very, very slowly she whispered to Bramblestripe, "A-are all toms like this?" She wasn't really sure what she had been thinking about a few seconds ago.
Mistypaw watched him with confusion and curiosity, and then tilted her head slightly at his words. "You mean the Warrior Code? Uh, it's too... Protect your Clan at all costs? Or is it the one about the leader's words being law?" She started to trail off, narrowing her eyes with thought as she struggled for the answer. She didn't like being wrong, but she certainly was if that was what he was talking about and if not- she had no idea what the answer was!

Bramblestripe twitched an ear at the tom, and then her apprentice as the young one whispered in her ear. "S-some," she meowed softly, glad for her gentle voice for it made it easy to whisper back.