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Old January 14th, 2018, 08:45 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Nursery

Originally Posted by Beau View Post
Dovecoo let out a yawn and rested her fluffy white face on the side of her nest, nuzzling closer into the soft moss. Sighing in contentment, Dovecoo let her diamond eyes close with a wave of drowsiness. She hadn’t realized how late it was getting. She had been in her nest almost the whole time after Honeythistle had left her. She’d only moved to fetch herself a piece of prey to satisfy a rumbling stomach. Then, she’d given herself a quick groom until her already fairly clean fur was pristine and feather soft again. When she had finished was when she had laid her head down drowsily. Dovecoo drifted into a light sleep, the tendrils of dreams just starting to ensnare her. However, she was still semi-conscious when the voice of Honeythistle reached her ears. The snowy queen blinked open her sleepy blue eyes and perked her ears, leaning her head up to look for the silver tom. He was talking to his other queens, but soon made his way over to her. Dovecoo purred and smiled lovingly at Honeythistle, chirping her usual, “Hi, Honey!” Her wise eyes watched him dotingly as he leaned down to give her head a lick. “Oh, it’s very comfortable.” She cooed, shifting in the soft circle of moss that surrounded her. As Honeythistle pulled away and mentioned his intention of leaving, Cloudstrike frowned. “Won’t you stay a little while? I haven’t seen you since this morning and it would be nice to talk a little before I go to sleep. Only for a little. There’s plenty of room.” The petite queen shifted to be smaller, so there was room for Honeythistle, looking pleadingly up at Honeythistle with her sweet doe eyes.
“It looks comfortable,” Honeythistle commented, throwing his head to gesture to the bedding. He bent his nose down to nose at the little scented flowers that resides there. When he lifted his head to gaze at the molly’s Expression, he noticed a small frown. His head tilted to the side and he squinted his eyes at the she cat. When she suggested that he stay, Honeythistle got to his paws. “Are you sure?” His whiskers twitched. “You seem like you’re ready to enter dreamland.” The ends of his muzzle twitched into a smirk. “I was getting the idea that you wanted a break from my company.” He joked, lightly. In his eyes, the nest did look very comfortable. With the moss, the ferns, and the added wildflowers that added a tender aroma of sensitivity and uniqueness. The queen already made room in her nest for him, so how could he deny her request? Honeythistle rolled his broad shoulders, and gingerly he stepped into her nest, feeling the warmth of the flowers under his paw pads. When he laid down, he nuzzled his mate gently. “I think I’m spoiling you too much...” he muttered, a low chuckle emitting from his throat. Oh, wow! This nest was extremely comfortable. Definitely a lot more comfortable than his own. Silently, he knew he did a great job in fixing up this nest. The tom leaned down, laying his head against Dovecoo’s shoulder. He flicked his ears. “What did you want to talk about?” Dovecoo wanted him to stay. To talk for a little bit before she slept. Honeythistle knew he shouldn’t stay too long. He didn’t want to disturb the queens with his presence, yet they were secluded from the others. Not too far off, but nice enough that they could enjoy a little bit of privacy. The tom brought his head up, staring into her crystalline eyes with a curious expression. “Anything on your mind?” He questioned. Of course, her mind was always a tornado. Never focused on one thing more than the other. Sometimes Honeythistle enjoyed her little uncanny imaginations, and other times it annoyed him that she could never stay completely focused.