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Old January 15th, 2018, 11:01 AM
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Default Re: Third eye ( horror rp)

Originally Posted by ThatOneWarriorCatNerd View Post
I forgot to mention two things: First off, his job is going to be a therapist, and his sexuality is homosexual, but he has no one of interest at the moment. Ok, I'll start now.
Tobias walked down a long hall, holding a slightly crinkled sheet of paper, and cup of orange pills. He looked to it several times, as he wasn't very good at using a map. But sure enough, he had made it. He pulled a key out of his pocket, unlocking the door to reveal... a small empty room. Sometimes he wished he could be back at his old house, but the sheet was right. The fact that he was going to work in this place hadn't made much of a difference, but he was grateful. Anything was better than a cell. At this, he remembered all those he had left.. but they would not be forgotten. He was finally going to help people! *Just wait, he thought to himself, *Till I decorate this place!* As he looked, to see what he had going on so far in the room, he saw a bed, a desk, a lamp, and a dresser drawer. But, his one hope wasn't there. The room had no windows. He let out a sigh, sitting on top of the bed.
Tobias took a glance at his watch, and for a moment,
a flicker of dread rose. He hurried out the door, with his pills, just in case. He knew that he would be punished, should he ditch the check up, but it always made him uneasy. Whenever he sat, he would have to be strapped down. He would zone out after that, and then snap back to reality. He hated forcing junk down his body, but even if whatever they gave him did that,
at least it was helping, like they said. He walked down the winding hall, to join the other patients. (He assumes its that, and doesn't know its him, if your confused, but that's it, because I have a bit of writers block)

Last edited by CreatureOfHabit; January 15th, 2018 at 11:04 AM.