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Old January 15th, 2018, 09:10 PM
Galaxy Of Wisdom Galaxy Of Wisdom is offline
The Madness King
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Default Re: ThunderClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Sasukewolf (madness) View Post
She stands up, stretching a bit as she did. Soon she sees Palethunder trying to wake some some of the apprentices however she knew that nearly all of them have went out earlier for training and such. She purrs in amusement as she begins to walk up to the warrior, her long tail waved a bit elegantly as she steps up to the tall warrior, “ their all gone for the day my friend. You missed them.” She says playfully as she looks at the den than at him. “ if you really want someone to train with that bad why not me? “ she asks with a challenging smile. “ I am a warrior as well my friend. Unless you want to take me on some other challenge. I’m free today so don’t worry about me Suddenly leaving or something like that.” She says playfully as she looks at him with shining playful mixed eyes, her long pelt cleaned and smooth like the water in a moving river. She too often got looks here and there which at times did make her uncomfortable since it was like she was being judged at every step, every movement she was being Judged for what happened moons back, when she lost everything for the sake of becoming a warrior.. but as much as she tried to forget. As much as she tried to move on and fall in love again. The thought of that rouge haunts her, the thought that he could come back and do it again and again haunts her and just recently the nightmares were coming back worst than ever. But she knew she wasn’t alone in this horrible curse of memories. She hoped, hell she even begged that starclan can answer her, that they can help her feel that fast beating of her heart and the sweet, warm feeling of waking up next to someone that she knows won’t leave her and will always smile at her... but hope isn’t exactly on her side since that day. She looks at palethunder who she knew shared that curse, that burden of memories of a past pained and suffering tales that are constantly told by others. But for now she’ll ignore it, for now she will live and hopefully find something in the tom, something she forgotten. Something she grew to love once... the feeling of love. As sweet as it is painful... she wishes to feel it again. Just once... until she finds that rouge again. She purrs softly “ hi. Palethunder, so are we going to do this or what? I don’t mind being stared at but please do it a other time.” She teases. @Celestial
@Celestial whenever you have time mi amor :3