Thread: ELSGUARD rp
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Old January 17th, 2018, 06:54 AM
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Drago Victinius Bloodward Drago Victinius Bloodward is offline
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Default Re: ELSGUARD rp

Originally Posted by Silverfur & Co View Post
Spirit then went to the outside staggering bait but looked up at the sky wandering if she had did her parents proud. She stood tall and looked at the on s that were being buried and she bowed her head. One of them was her half wolf sister and she turned wolf and sat there howling for her with the rest of the wolves.
Originally Posted by Equinox View Post

(Lol whoops)

She laid back and gazed up at the stars with a sigh. Up there, it looked peaceful. Down on the ground, though, her knee ached. After a few quiet moments she sat back up and stared at the dirt, thinking.
Alunz melded back into drago and drago and arya walked together to their combined army camp and to their shared tent. Which was a big command tent stationed in the center of the camp, a group of 12 guards 6 of aryas and 6 of dragos stood outside. They were bloody and their armor had numerous scratches and dents drago stopped in front of them with arya and looked them over. "you guys should get a rest and get your armor and weapons tended to I'll get fresh replacements for you guys while you rest" he said. The guards tried to argue but drago waved them off "I'll not have you collapsing from exhaustion now go and rest thats an order" he said. The guards saluted then went back to their tents 12 different guards arrived seconds later after arya and drago had already entered their tent they stationed themselves outside and prepared to keep watch. Inside Arya and Drago studied a map of the continent which was laid out on a large table and staked open with daggers at each corner. Drago pointed towards a spot on the map that was marked by dragon runes "this is where we are, and this" he said pointing at a city that was at least 70 miles north of their location "is our target the elven city of olisia its more of a fortress than a city and we can't march all 4 army into a siege battle at the same time for we need to split up im thinking that darkwings and spirit should take their armies and go south to recapture the city of taren from the dwarves" Drago said sending a mental summon to spirit and darkwings. Arya nodded her sky blue eyes flashed as she studied the map "this will test our soldier's courage and capabilities there's a possibility that we might lose too many men if we can't get those walls open fast" she said. Drago grinned "don't worry about the walls I'll take care of them" he said Arya smirked "i knew you would say that."
*looks around* the fact that i stumbled back here is amazing

picture credits go to my cousin who designed the logo specifically for me