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Old January 22nd, 2018, 06:55 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Nursery

Originally Posted by Constellation View Post
Papayakit stared at the white queen in a questioning manner. Her ears were perked, and her head was tilting. What was she thanking her for? Maybe because she complimented her. Papayakit has shrugged. The truth was the truth, after all. She didn’t notice the sadness in Dovecoo’s emotions, nor had she asked. When Dovecoo gave her a bright smile, Papayakit saw everything was good, so they could continue to play. Papayakit waited for the ball because it had slipped pass Dovecoo, making Papayakit giggle. When Dovecoo sent the ball back over to her, Papayakit bobbed after it, a prickle of boredom entering her as her attention span was as a short as a mouse. She found playing with the moss ball a tad overdue, so she caught the ball with her claws, and began slowly rolling it back towards Dovecoo, her nose causing the movements. When she stopped at Dovecoo’s gaze, she looked up with admiring eyes. “Can we play tag?” Her tail bushed once more. She had blinked pleadingy, but she did not care much for the next answer. Papayakit already swiped a paw towards Dovecoo, exclaiming that she was it. Around the nursery, she farted about to get away from the tagged player. Papayakit didn’t have long legs, so it would had been to Dovecoo’s advantage to easily catch her. This thought didn’t process through the kit’s mind as she was only focused on running away to not be dubbed as ‘it’.
Dovecoo gave no thought to whether Papayait had noticed her slight change in mood, just as Papayakit had given no thought to whether her mood had changed. The queen did notice that Papayakit seemed less enthusiastic. Knowing from personal experience that kits had short attention spans, Dovecoo figured that she was simply growing bored. Her theory was proved correct when the kit suddenly asked to play tag. Dovecoo had every intention of agreeing, but made it seem as if she was hesitating so she could slink forward and tag Papayakit first. "Well..." she hedged, sneaking forward. Unfortunately, Papayakit was quicker and tagged her first, running away. "Oh! You little fox!" She giggled, leaping after her. Thanks to Dovecoo's petite form, it was fairly easy to weave around nests. Despite being small for an adult cat, Dovecoo was still larger than Papaykit and caught up with her easily. "Gotcha!" She crowed as she touched her tail to Papayakit's back before turning on her paws and bounding away. She stopped at her nest and turned to watch Papayakit in a playful crouch.
go ahead and cry little girl, no one does it like you