Thread: ELSGUARD rp
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Old January 22nd, 2018, 08:51 PM
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Default Re: ELSGUARD rp

Originally Posted by Drago Victinius Bloodward View Post
Hiroga scoffed "did you hit your head or something him and claw are our main targets" he said "i got something that'll shock him really badly hey yo drago you know your human parents aren't your real parents" he said and to show him that he wasn't lying sent him his memory of comparing dragos dna from some blood he got off of drago in their last encounter and when he tried to compare it to his human parents nothing matched drago recoiled "who are my real parents tell me" drago roared hiroga laughed "that wouldn't be any fun now would it no yo-" he was cut off as drago was suddenly in his face grabbing him by his neck drago lifted him off the ground "ill just force it from you reaching into his mind he was able to wrestle an image of a mountain with a flat top on it and in the center was a sword with the bloodward family symbol on it before hiroga was able to wall up his defenses drago snarled and tossed him to the side hiroga hit a rock and laid on the ground stunned drago turned on the other punching blood and death and sending them to the ground and turning he blocked a sword blow from verdict he kicked him away and blasted chaos with a burst of energy he quickly landed blows on the others while he was busy with them seraph snuck over to hiroga and teleported away with him drago realized he did this and it enrage him more the two dark gods blood and death jumped at him from behind he spun and swung as he did his sword materialized mid swing and beheaded both the dark god killing them he stood there as chaos and verdict ran and tharek was left standing there arya and claw stood staring in shock then drago teleported to the mountain Arya shook her head "dang it babe" she said then teleported after him knowing that drago shouldn't discover this alone she found him standing right by the sword staring at it (here it comes the huge reveal)

Spirits wolf form could not resist the leap and she growled as she leaped at him wandering what was gonna happen but she shrugged it off. After all it wouldn’t be the first time for the dragon fire/earth shifter. She didn’t want hiroga to know her real form and then target her eyes she didn’t know her true parents but she didn’t worry about it as her wolf parents raised her and treated her like one of their own.

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