Thread: ELSGUARD rp
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Old January 23rd, 2018, 12:35 PM
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Default Re: ELSGUARD rp

Originally Posted by Drago Victinius Bloodward View Post
Siroga turned to her and bowed to her "hello queen of elsguard forgive my rudeness for not adressing you sooner and i beg for your forgiveness for all the pain i have caused you when i was your enemy" he said bowing onto one knee he had spoken honestly and sincerely "if need be i will lend my help to elsguard i here that all of the other kingdoms have turned on elsguard which angers me because when i dissapeared after my kingdom was destroyed i came here with 5k followers and we built the 6 cities in the mountains and at first i vowed to get revenge then i meditated on my actions leading up to my retreat here and realized elsguard needed to survive so just say the word and thorik will stand by elsguard and lend the support of all of our forces to help you win this war" he said drago felt a huge rush of pride for his father and looked expectantly at spirit ( @Equinox how's that for a big reveal)
"Hello there, it is okay. You are forgiven i am not expecting it to happen again." *She smiled and bowed to him and looked at him. She felt that he knew something that she didnt but smiled none the less.* " I am glad that you guys will be helping elseguard." *she said smiling at him. Her blue eyes watched him. She did not know if they knew her mother or not but she kept silent.*

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