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Old January 24th, 2018, 08:51 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Nursery

Originally Posted by Constellation View Post

Honeythistle had smiled briefly before clearing his throat and brushing past Dovecoo to knock the studious kit from her goal in capturing Dovecoo’s tail. Papayakit felt herself being pushed to the ground. It wasn’t a harsh push, but she had whined to make it appear to be. “Hey! I was doing something here!” Papayakit complained, quickly shuffling to her paws. Her fur was bristling and her tail bushed up. Her eyes flickered to Dovecoo’s feathery tail and back to Honeythistle moments later. The tom bent down to nose the kit in the direction of her mother. “Go back to your mother, Papayakit.” He dismissed. Papayakit’s dramatic wails grew louder. She stomped her small paws, but Honeythistle has remained unfazed. She always got moody when she didn’t get what she wanted. “You had enough play time.” He licked between her ears, but Papayakit had pulled away, looking up at the silver tom with an unsatisfied, grim look. Honeythistle shook his head, groaning. “You know Magnoliakit will be waking up soon, so you might as well play with her for a bit. I bet she misses you.” Honeythistle purred, longingly. “And, she’d probably be jealous if Dovecoo was taking all your attention.” He added, with a knowing frown. Papayakit had lowered her ears, and looked down at her tiny paws. Papayakit didn’t fight backing away when Honeythistle nosed her in that specific direction. She muttered a goodbye to Dovecoo sadly and padded off.
Honeythistle twisted himself around Dovecoo. His body on her right side, while his tail snaked around to be at her left side. “So,” He purred, lightly touching her cheek. “How was your morning? Was Papayakit behaving herself?” He knew his daughter could be a bit of a whirlwind. She didn’t care much about others’ feelings. She was a bit...dramatic when she didn’t get her way. Honeythistle had been gone all that morning, and it was around midday. It was nice to relax after a little romp around with his other mate.
Dovecoo returned Honeythistle’s smile, the sparkle of love shining in her eyes until she almost resembled Papayakit looking at her tail. The pretty molly watched as Honeythistle nudged over his kit, provoking Papayakit to release a dramatic wail. Dovecoo doubted Honeythistle had actually hurt his kit, so she figured Papayakit was just unhappy about being separated from her game. Dovecoo would have gladly let Papayakit continue to chase her tail, but Honeythistle seemed to want Papayakit to go back to her mother so that he and Dovecoo could spend time together, which Dovecoo has been longing for anyway. When Papayakit talked back, Dovecoo blinked and looked at Honeythistle for his reaction. She was rather surprised that Papayakit had dared to be disrespectful to him. Of course, Dovecoo has said and done much worse but both her and Honeythistle knew that that was only when she was in a mood, when Honeythistle got her angry. Nonetheless, Honeythistle was gentle in his firmness and eventually got Papayakit to return to her mother and sister. Dovecoo reciprocated her sad goodbye with a gentle, ”Goodbye, dear.” Suddenly, Honeythistle was pressed on her right side and his tail was snaking around her left, entrapping her. Dovecoo purred and leaned against him, tilting her head up to rub against his cheek. Dovecoo nodded and answered in her usual soft tone, “My morning was good. Papayakit was practically an angel, though a bit rude to others. We played tag, you see, after mossball and Papayakit was running around the nursery and I’m afraid she nearly trampled a few unsuspecting cats and didn’t apologize. Don’t be too hard on her, though, if you choose to address it. We were playing, after all.” Dovecoo didn’t want to get Papayakit in trouble, but Honeythistle had asked about her behavior and Dovecoo couldn’t keep any information from him. After purring for a bit and relishing the feeling of Honeythistle’s fur against hers and the smell of wild honey that he always carried, Dovecoo asked, ”How was your morning?” Dovecoo has no idea what Honeythistle had been up to, but only expected a vague answer, such as ‘good.’ She didn’t really need to know what he had been doing. Probably regular old warrior business, anyway.
go ahead and cry little girl, no one does it like you