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Old January 25th, 2018, 06:54 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Nursery

Originally Posted by Constellation View Post

The tom gently licked Dovecoo’s ears. He tucked his paws under him, silently breathing. When the snowy queen began to sing, it could had lulled him to sleep. He absolutely loved it when Dovecoo sang. It was like all his worries melted into a gigantic ball and was thrown away from him. It would never return. He could live happily and worried free. He could had napped while she sang, without a point. Her lyrics were random, but they still belonged to a siren. It was beautiful. Honeythistle felt his heart well up, his yellow-green eyes sparkling with a sweet and hidden desire. Honeythistle lifted himself abruptly up, accidentally knocking his mate’s comfort to the side. He gave her a sheepish smile until it formed into a knowing grin. “I think the nursery is a little too crowded,” he says, his ears pricking. He turned around, throwing her a look and began padding to the exit. He used his tail to beckon Dovecoo to follow him. “Let’s go on a walk, Dove.”
Dovecoo smiled as she sang, knowing that Honeythistle loved to hear her voice. Now, whenever she sang, it felt like she was giving him a special little gift. Giving gifts always led to a happy feeling, whether one was the giver or receiver. All of a sudden, Honeythistle got up and accidentally bumped into Dovecoo, ending her song. Dovecoo blinked in surprise and looked up at Honeythistle with a questioning gaze. The queen looked around th nursery. She supposed it was a little crowded. Most of the kits were at their most restless in the later hours of the afternoon when they woke up from naps and before they had to go to sleep again. Thus, they were all a bit rambunctious. “Okay!” Dovecoo agreed, rising to her paws and hopping out of the nest.
go ahead and cry little girl, no one does it like you