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Old January 27th, 2018, 06:41 AM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by Empress Of Evil View Post

The apprentice beamed to hear her mentor say her name. Whilst she'd been trying to remember her mentor's name, the thought had come across her mind that he might've forgotten her's. Luckily, she was wrong. At least they wouldn't have to deal with awkward introductions now. As the she-cat waited for the warrior to continue, she quickly scanned him. She had to remember what he looked like so she could spot him off distance should she have a need to do that. He had the markings of a Ragdoll, just like her, but he had other markings too. Despite that, when standing next to each other, one might mistake them for father and daughter rather than mentor and apprentice. Featherpaw let out a soft purr of amusement at that.

Featherpaw was practically bursting with excitement, but beneath her smile, she could feel the nervousness. It made her paws tingle, the feeling was basically palpable and she kneaded her paws against the ground to chase the tingle away. She looked down at the ground for a short moment and noticed the faint dents which she was leaving in the ground. She quickly stopped moving her paws and kept them still before looking back up. She noticed the gentle purr that rumbled from his chest and the kind smile on his maw. It gave her some reassurance.

"Oh don't worry. The time was useful," she piped up cheerfully. She knew that she had actually wanted to get started earlier, but she hadn't actually minded the extra time so there was no need to speak up and make her mentor feel guilty. "Only a bit. A warrior took me out yesterday," she responded. "I hope you don't mind. I couldn't find you," she continued, hoping that he wouldn't be angry with you. Even though he had comforted her with his smile and purrs, she was still cautious. She wasn't yet familiar with him and he could suddenly change from being kind to furious.

Letting out a quiet sigh, she pushed her worries to the back of her mind and thought back to yesterday, when she'd seen a part of the territory. Blizzardhail had taken her out when she'd had some free time and she had seen the part of the territory which was close to the camp. She'd admired the trees and listened out for any signs of prey. Unfortunately, she hadn't been able to find any prey. Although she wasn't that disappointed. After all, she hadn't even had a single training session on hunting so she couldn't expect much of herself. "I haven't seen the outer parts of the territory so maybe you could take me there?" She suggested.
[Went ahead and moved it to the territory to make it a bit easier ^^ ]

Silversky seemed a bit deflated at first upon hearing her answer, but quickly perked up as she continued. Ears positioned forward and tail raised into the air once more, the warrior danced on his paws as he was unable to contain his excitement any longer. Any tense muscles and anxious thoughts were shaken loose as he spun in place to turn his gaze back towards the entrance of camp. Perhaps it had been too long since he had an apprentice. "I'd be glad to! We should get moving so we can get around the border around say... sun-down? We'll go ahead and hunt while we're out, it's good practice for when new-leaf comes around." He meowed quickly as he looked back at the apprentice with large eyes. Anticipation was rolling from his pelt in waves as he dipped his head towards the entrance. "Try to keep in pace with me. Don't want you getting lost in the territory." Giving Featherpaw a reassuring smile -despite his serious warning - the silver warrior quickly made his way to the bramble entrance and squeezed his way into the territory.


Waiting to make sure the apprentice was able to make it out of camp, Silversky kept a steady stride heading south of the Thunderclan camp towards the Shadowclan border. Tensions were high with Shadowclan, so he didn't want to stay around that area for too long, but it would be a bit before they got there. Occasionally checking to see if Featherpaw was in stride with him, adjusting his speed if she ended up falling behind or getting ahead, the tom remained silent as he seemed to scan the entire forest, his jowls slightly parted and ears and eyes constantly moving back and forth to detect any strange scents, sights, or sounds near-by the duo. Thankfully, nothing seemed out of the ordinary and the tom resumed a relaxed posture as to two traveled through the woods. He remained silent for a bit, the only sound to be heard were leaves crunching underneath each heavy paw-step until he finally spoke up.

"I much prefer new-leaf. I don't know, leaf-bare always is so barren. You've never seen new-leaf have you? I suppose not since you were just apprenticed. Trust me, it's a beautiful sight! Not to mention all the prey will come back." Silver's tone was light and airy at the thought of the forest bountiful with prey once more. "This leaf-bare has been pretty rough on all the clans. With Shadowclan's camp being destroyed quite a few moons ago, and then this battle." He scoffed quietly to himself, keeping a steady pace as his eyes continued to scan the path in front of him. "It's been pretty eventful. Hopefully full bellies and better attitudes come with new-leaf," He chuckled, looking back at Featherpaw. "I should mention, we're on the way towards the Shadowclan border right now. Make sure to stay alert, but if we come across a patrol just stay quiet, alright?" The damage had already been done. Silversky assumed the Shadowclan cats wouldn't cause them any more trouble, but it was always good to stay weary. "I don't think I'll take us too close, but just enough so you're able to recognize the scent."

Pushing through a patch of entwined brambles, Silversky stopped abruptly, lifting his tail to motion for Featherpaw to remain still. The tension was building up in the pit of his stomach. Hackles beginning to raise, Silver parted his mouth once more to scent the air around them. After a few moments, the tension dissipated, leaving a warm, reassuring smile plastered across his maw. "No worries, we're alone." Stretching out his body, the warrior took a seat in the forest floor debris and motioned for Featherpaw to come near. "Alright, here's your first task!" He voice was wavering with excitement, "Go ahead and give the area a smell, tell me what you smell."

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Last edited by Dust; January 27th, 2018 at 02:43 PM.
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