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Old January 27th, 2018, 08:51 AM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Raindancer View Post
Nighthawk looked back at the other tom, bright eyes widening visibly with shock. That certainly hadn't been the answer he'd expected. He blinked rapidly at Stagflight, happy but thoroughly confused. His volume caused Night to wince slightly, but the other tom settled back down quickly. Why would you think otherwise? The genuine question stirred harsh memories that lay dormant in the back of his mind. Nighthawk's eyes flicked from his paws to Stagflight uneasily.

"Well, I'm not... the most popular cat around." He heaved a soft sigh, his tail flicking anxiously. "Too big, too quiet. Scary...until you talk to me, then I'm just easy prey for teasing and...rumors." His pelt burned with shame as he spoke, his voice becoming quieter and quieter as he lost confidence. The rumors and teasing didn't get to him too much, now, and Night did have a few friends that paid them no attention. He didn't feel the need to be particularly social. But now, as he spoke it aloud, Nighthawk felt foolish. Like an apprentice taddling on his denmates to his mentor. And he actually...wanted to be friends with this cat. Night hadn't outright wanted a new friend for a while, and it was a strange sensation to him.

"Thats why...I was kind of confused when you came to talk to me." He offered a small, apologetic half smile. Night was annoyed at himself--why did those things have to bother him, still? It's not like his apprenticeship was so terrible he was scarred; just more introverted and wary. He hated that he was being so vulnerable towards a cat he barely knew--and who probably didn't care.

{Please, no worries!!! It's all good. <33}
Stagflight watched Nighthawk's expression carefully, frowning slightly when he noticed the other's shocked expression. He didn't quite understand why any cat would seem shocked by such an answer. But he quickly pushed away his confusion and continued to watch the other tomcat's strange reaction with uncertainty. He wondered if perhaps he'd said something wrong without realizing it. If so, Stag knew that he should apologize. He definitely felt just a little bit guilty, though it was unclear as to what she was feeling guilty about really.

And so, he was just about to apologize when Nighthawk spoke, causing Stag's eyes to widen very slightly. He felt sorry for the other tom, and he did understand that. There were so many cats in ShadowClan who didn't approve. Leaning forwards, Stagflight touched his nose to the other cat's ear in a comforting gesture, or that's what it was supposed to be. “I'm sorry,” he murmured as he settled back down into his previous position, paws tucked under him once more. He had to strain to hear what Nighthawk was saying over the chatter of his other Clanmates. Everything that this warrior had said now made sense to him, and he felt very sympathetic towards him.

Stagflight smiled at him reassuringly and wrapped his tail around himself slightly. “Well then, I should let you know that as long as you don't mind, this will not be the last time that I'll becoming over to talk to you,” he purred, trying to cheer the other cat up a bit. Nighthawk certainly seemed like he needed it anyways, and as long as Stagflight could, he would try help him. He quite enjoyed Nighthawk's company actually, and it bothered him to see him unhappy. He didn't really like anybody being unhappy though, as that was just him.
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