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Old February 2nd, 2018, 03:04 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by Spiral Whirl View Post
"Yeah, okay. I know, I know." Snowpaw chuckled, he did it find a bit amusing about how much his sister cared about her job. The apprentice didn't really like it, however he wasn't clueless to the fact she cared about it. Truth be told, he would trust his life with all his siblings. He wasn't fairly close to anyone but he would. For him, trust came easily unlike a lot. He found it easy. He didn't hold much grudges. He was too dense to the subject of betrayal. It lead to being his biggest weakness. Snowpaw was a bit too gullible, he could argue for moons about something. He didn't give up, easily at least. He'll soon accept that someone told him a lie. Question the cat. Forgive them and forget it. Usually, their were those special cases where he didn't forget. Snowpaw's sadness was anger. Snapping at those who tried to comfort him, it was a whirlwind of drama when he did. He would regret it.

Snowpaw slowly walked away from the place, to count. He closed his eyes. "One, two.. three.. four.. five, six, seven, eight, nine, and.. ten!" He counted, opening his eyes quickly. "Sis, here I come!" He waddled around in the snow. Sniffing for her scent or her pelt color. He blend in easily with the snow, luckily for him. He climbed up a tree, slowly but surely making his way up it. He hauled himself up on a tree branch, scanning the territory. His blue eyes squinted as he looked for her. He stepped forward, thinking he caught a flash of her fur. He furrowed his eyebrows when he couldn't find it. He was at the edge of the branch, leaning forward. In a quick movement the ground under him seem to slip away, well bark in this case. Snowpaw claws dug into the bark, as his body hang limply. What was with him being so clumsy today? "Starclan, why do you do this?" He mumbled as he hauled himself up it, grunting in effort. His pink tongue rolled out of his mouth, climbing down the tree. It wasn't like he meant to be clumsy or almost break his leg but the territory just seem to be against him today.

Snowpaw sigh in defeat when he gave up searching. He look everywhere. Sure, he was rusty but he never fail this bad. He was ready to call out her name before he caught a whiff of her scent. He blinked, following it. Their was a faint one repeated sentence coming from him, "Imma get ya." He didn't realize how creepy it was. Snowpaw was too focused on finding his sister. Luckily he didn't call it quits. He poked his head through the bush, getting a mouthful of wonderful leaves. He slowly weaved through it, determine to find her. When he came out from the other side, Snowpaw had twigs and leaves stuck in his white fur. He spat out the mouthful of leaves, looking around for Caliapaw before finally seeing her. He slowly crawled forward, then dropped his body in the snow right in front of her. His blue eyes blinked up at her. "Hi. I found you." Snowpaw purred in sasfisction. No doubt about it his smile was wide and big. He was tempted to poke her in the nose but decided against it.

He rolled in the snow a bit, trying to get the leaves and twigs out of his fur. He did, picking out the last few twigs that stuck in there. His fur was messy and ungroom. A normal look for him. Snowpaw stood up, looking at Caliapaw. "Now like you said, we should return now? Oh, guess what! I almost died.. kind of." He exclaimed, as he told her what happened with the tree. After his probably over-told story, he added, "Trees just really are out for me today." He didn't have a fear of heights but he was scared unlike in the story he told her. Snowpaw fibbed to make himself look better. Everyone unusually caught on and thought it was just well, him being funny.
Hiding in the snow, the blonde she cat had lots of time to think about her choices lately. She hadn't been spending a lot of time with family, or friends, and she missed that sometimes - at other times, she was glad she hadn't been doing so. Her "alone time" was sacred... if she didn't get it, she was likely to get grumpy. She needed time to rest, relax, and think. This was some of that time. Too bad Snowpaw would be likely to find her soon - the hiding spot Caliapaw had chosen was far from ideal. She glanced around at her surroundings, peeling some bark off of a tree and examined it. It was sticking to her claws - she had to use her other paw (with claws sheathed) in order to pull it off, and even then, it took a longer period of time then she had thought. Sharp golden eyes met her brother's friendly blue ones as he announced his finding her. "You sure did," The she cat smiled back (well, half-smirked) as she got to her paws, glancing at the bark she had pulled off. She hadn't had enough training to know if that was useful or not.

Caliapaw had learned about scratches first, how to deal with some minor sicknesses, and what to do with pain... but still not enough to help completely. The she cat was going to need more training before she could do much more. Her ears flicked in amusement as the tom relayed his story, dramatizing it quite a bit - Caliapaw could have done without the dramatic narration, but she supposed it was okay to let him have his moment - and smirked when he was finished. "You're lucky your sister's the medicine cat now, huh? I wouldn't have let you die, obviously." The she cat grinned, flicking his side lightly with her tail - brief physical contact before she stretched out and started heading away, glancing back to make sure the white tom was following. It would be all too easy to lose Snowpaw in the snow, and she wanted to have these last few minutes with him before she would have to go back to work. And, he would need to be training, right? To be a warrior?

Her siblings were all going to learn about battle soon enough, and Caliapaw was glad she wouldn't be partaking in it - not that she minded fighting, but it was going to be a bloody battle... WindClan and ThunderClan were bitter enemies right now, and while not all cats in either Clan were bad, Caliapaw thought both could have done with some attitude changes. "I had a good time with you today, Snowpaw. Thanks for keeping me company." The medicine cat mewed as she headed back towards camp. They would be there soon - and she was glad that she had gotten to spend at least a little time with her brother. It had been... nice. It was good to spend some time with family every once in a while, and Caliapaw was glad she had done so.
(and I think this is a good stopping point c: )
Originally Posted by hiraeth View Post
powdernose's ears swivelled before they rested flat against his head. he hadn't gone to the battle, knowing that he would not survive very long with the current state of his mentality. claws digging small indents into the ground, the tom looked towards stonegazer with a cold gaze, lowering the usual laid-back posture he held. "i'm fine." no i'm not. "you did nothing of the sorts in which could make me like this." lie. they're all lies. tail curling around his form, powdernose got to his feet and pushed past the other, movements tense. i must get away.
once he was past stonegazer, he ran. his paws carried him blindly towards an unknown area, tail whipping behind him. surprising, he moved quickly. powdernose's paws made a soft thump against the ground with every step, chest heaving due to not running so much in quite a while. his nose twitched and he skidded to a stop, breathing ragged as he fought to catch his breath. even getting away from the one that caused him so much pain was a struggle.
he couldn't do anything right. stonegazer had done nothing wrong; it was powdernose who was creating false accusations. he had been warned of the battle, and still decided to try and get closer to the tom. the threat had grown too high at that time, how could he have been so stupid?
with a silent cry, powdernose collapsed on himself, trembling uncontrollably. he couldn't help it. the pain was just oozing out, like the dam had been destroyed and now all the feelings were rushing to freedom. what had stonegazer done to him? why was he suddenly like this?
he shook, breath shallow as he allowed his emotions to claw at his very soul. eyes clenched shut, powdernose curled up into a small ball, looking more vulnerable than he had ever been. it was as if stonegazer had torn a whole into his chest and ripped through his heart, pulling it out and tossing it into a river. but it was still beating, still breaking. and powdernose hated it.
oh, how powdernose hated stonegazer for making him feel this way.

(ahh sorry if this is repetitive i'm typing this at like two in the morning)
It was one of the most irritating things when a cat refused to behave like a warrior. Powdernose was acting like a kit, and Stonegazer was angry about it. He was about to announce how he felt to the other tom before the younger warrior got up, pushed past him, and then ran away. The grey tom knew he couldn't chase him. With the leg injury, it would be impossible to run that fast, and he wasn't foolish enough to risk making it worse. His blue eyes remained the same as they always had been... calm, and without feeling, as he limped after the tom. His paws hit the ground with more force, the anger brewing within his mind taken out on the earth instead of in words or actions. Thud. Thud. Thud. Step by step, Stonegazer could feel himself getting closer to the younger tom. He could practically sense the other's presence with every step that was taken, and a smile spread over his maw as he thought of finally catching up to Powdernose.

They would be able to talk about this like mature warriors, not jealous kits. Whatever was going on with the other tom, Stonegazer needed to figure out if the medicine cat was needed or not... for mental reasons. With every step, he thought about what he had done. Intentionally or not, he had hurt Powdernose by leaving for the battle... which seemed silly to him, but he wasn't going to bring that up. Then again, why shouldn't he? This was silly, and it needed to stop. Powdernose had no reason to be acting this way. It's just a marking of an immature cat, that's all. I know he's not the perfect warrior, but shouldn't he at least try to show some signs of his age? That thought would remain unspoken, because Stonegazer knew that that was something you should not say in conversation.

He was not a socially apt cat, but he tried his best, and he was learning. He was better then he had been a few moons ago. Stonegazer came upon the younger tom, curled up, breathing shallowly and looking quite pitiful. "Do you... want to tell me what happened? Again, I am sorry if my actions caused your..." His voice trailed off as he tried to think of the right words to say here. Sorry state? Pitiful state? Neither one would be pleasant, and neither one belonged in an apology. "...current state." The warrior finished, guessing that was the best thing to say in this situation.

I mentioned on my profile that I was starting over. A fresh start is best for me right now; I've created quite a few new characters, and they will all be on my site, but not all will be used in roleplay right away. it's likely I'll bring them in more gradually.
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