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Old February 2nd, 2018, 11:08 PM
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Twilight01 Twilight01 is offline
Miraculous Lover
Join Date: Jan 2018
Gender: She-cat
Posts: 514
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Default Re: Hades home ( open to all)

Hemlock padded out of the bushes, pushing through them disgustedly. She had just been kicked out of a different rouge pack after she had been caught killing one of them and she was in an angry mood. Traveling for days with hardly any rest, food, or water made her cranky. She sat down and promptly began licking her matted fur. Her beautiful coat was married by dirt and neglect. She licked it furiously, taking her anger out onto her coat of fur. After successfully licking her coat completely clean she turned around and looked for something to kill. She still brooded and needed to take out her anger on something. Lucky for any cats close by her deadly gaze fell upon a sparrow that was pecking at some seeds on the forest floor. Hemlock closed in on the bird and at just the right moment, pounced. Her paws slammed into the bird, effectively disabling it. Instead of bending her head down to kill the bird she looked around the tree. Keeping one powerful paw on the bird she grabbed two sturdy sticks with her teeth. Slowly she pierced each of the birds wings, the membrane pinned to the ground with the sticks. Hemlock smiled a sadistic one and extended a claw. The bird had stopped struggling at this point and cawed with a faint cry as Hemlock dragged one large claw across the birds chest. It cried out in pain making Hemlock smile even more. Taking great care not to break the muscles she peeled back as many feathers from the bird as possible. The exposed bird's red body quivered in pain and the bird had ceased its cries. The only way to tell that it was alive was the faint rise and fall of the birds red chest. Hemlock watched in gleeful silence as the birds red blood seeped into the ground below and the faint quivering of it's chest stopped. Hemlock licked her claws clean and felt light-hearted at the bird's death. She opened her mouth to do it again but scented cats instead. Warily she stalked out of the trees where two cats, obviously lovers, talked to each other. Hemlock grinned, it would be fun to kill these cats, their screams would give her good dreams for months, but first the game. She sauntered towards the tom and winked seductively at him, "Hey handsome."

@Broken Madness
Wooooo I got around to posting on this thread!! Also inspiration for the bird scene comes from Enders Game. You'll know what I mean.)
Hey! You guys probably haven't seen me in a while! I had personal stuff that came up and I was unable to roleplay anymore.

I've decided I'd rather not roleplay but just create characters. The link to my Warrior Cat making thread is right here.

Last edited by Twilight01; February 2nd, 2018 at 11:09 PM.
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