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Old February 3rd, 2018, 08:09 AM
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Default Re: I have no one ( kinda limited rp)

Originally Posted by Broken Madness View Post
A man stands before you chained and almost defeated such a sight, it was. Killer former leader of the demon clan, fighter for evil and known as the demon king now .. beaten and left standing before you chained like a dog. His eyes dulled and in pain as he looks up a bit, his blood red eyes once held power and pride now was just emotionless and dead. He laughs dryly as he looks down his long onyx hair falling down from his face as he smiles softly but soon that smile slowly became a frown .. he speaks in a voice once strong and proud now .. just broken and defeated.
“ I Hate myself for what I did to you. I don’t like who I am...” he closes his eyes “ there's nothing good about me anymore.. “ he laughs darkly “ I’m sick of wasting my time.... “ he looks up and smiles sadly “ I’m tired of living... everyday is a struggle. Fighting the same demons everyday and when I wake up I’m so tired..” he looks to the side “ I don’t know what happened to me or where it went wrong..” he suddenly begins shaking a bit as he begins to raise his voice a bit “ everything I ever cared about is gone... Ruined! Turned to Trash! Dead!! ....” he looks down growling a bit “ I’ve never been more alone..” his eyes glowed sharply as he yells “ I have nothing!! No one!! Alright?!” Tears slowly fall down his face as he yells again with anger and pain “ it’s all gone!!” Slowly he calms down already giving up so quickly as he looks down and simply says “ .... that’s all I have to say. So do whatever you want with me... I’m no longer king... my kids have turned against me.. the wolf has fallen, the fox has died and the dragon has ended his own life in a blind rage... I have nothing. No one... honestly it’s like your screaming... but no one can hear..” he laughs softly “ you almost feel ashamed. That someone can be that important that without them you feel like nothing ( if you’re interested @Celestial :3) no one will ever understand how much it hurts.. you feel nothing can save you... “ he looks down “ and when it’s over and it’s gone... you almost wish you could have all that bad stuff back... so that you can have the good...” He smiles softly as a gun aims for his head. “ at least finally... I’m free from the pain of a stolen heart... and a beaten mind. But know this... my kids are still alive.. breathing and living. They know their blood and are acting even now against the kingdom... I have tried to find them... but I couldn’t. So know that knight... they are more leaders... like me out there so please.. kill them. Free them from their pain like you are doing now... end me. And soon you find them... never show mercy..” he says as suddenly

A gun shot was heard along with the cheers of the kingdom itself.
Killer the demon king... was dead.

The five kids of the demon king ( they can turn against their blood and try to fight for the kingdom or rally with the demons to lead like the king.) Sano Flyer ( mine)

King and queen ( they will know something others don’t know about the demon king, I will pm the queen ( or other king) since I will rp the king don’t worry he will fall soon: one open

The princesses or princes: 5 open ( these guys may be love interests to the five kids of the demon king or huge enemy towards them. All up to y’all but one of you will become the next king or queen)

High rank demons: 4 open ( these guys are huge bosses and fought under the demon king as generals you may use these guys however you wish and they too can fall in love with the royal five. I will be using a demon known as hades dark for now :3)

Y’all can have powers however the royal ones may have powers relating to good in a way and demons powers relating to evil :3

Y’all can make you’re own fourms so surprise me!! :3
Name: Shatter
Age: 234
Gender: Female
Looks: She has bright red horns and narrowed yellow eyes. her jet black hair reaches to her hips, and she has usually painted red long nails. on her back are ripped and torn wings from chains,making them just a burden to carry on her.
Personality: She can be a little flirty, but she is a war-type of demon. usally serious, prepared and..violent. She can be good nature as long as you earn her trust. Which is hard..
Sexuality: She is demisexual
Questions: Can She be a potential love interest for Hades?
Step into the region of the wolves, you either join our howl, or lose yours.

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