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Old February 3rd, 2018, 12:58 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Celestial View Post

The black and white toms head was buried between his paws. His eyes clouded with exhaustion from the night before, bunnykit had been a little loud for his liking and he couldn’t fall asleep. It was completely terrible- pinewish hasn’t been in the den to come see the poor thing either. And he was certainly no mother. Suddenly a sweet voice filled his large ears and the tom raise his head. Before him was a stunning apprentice, flonting her appearance at everyone. The black and white toms whiskers twitched, why was she calling to me? The tall time sat up licking his chest fur down a few times clearing off the broken pieces of briar on his chest. “Yes vixenpaw?” asked Tallwhisker his tail flicking and gently raising up in interest. She was young, too young for him, or maybe not- no don’t think that Tallwhisker! He scolded himself feeling ashamed for thinking the way he was thinking about her. He forced a smile to crack into his maw. The handsome toms tail gently flicked as he examined her approach him. “Nice day huh?” he said trying to cover up his stare.

"Mm hmmm," Vixenpaw hummed in agreement, pleased at the way the tom was looking at her. She could wrap any male around her paw, she giggled. "But I'll be glad when leafbare is done. There's nothing good on the freshkill pile." She gave a slow, deliberate glance at the slim picked pile. She was feeling hungry but knew that with it being so thin, her mentor would scold her for taking from the elders and kits. She turned back to Tallwhisker. "I don't suppose you were going hunting? You always bring back the best prey." In truth, Vixenpaw had no idea what kind of hunter Tallwhisker was. He could have been lousy. But the freshkill pile would need to have pieces added to it before she could help herself, and she was betting with enough flattery, he would take care of that for her.
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