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Old February 3rd, 2018, 10:15 PM
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Default Re: Rulers of the sky sign ups(dragon rp)

Appearence- Snep
Personality-Xoloron is the opposite of Rhaegar in the way that he likes to be the hero very confident and always wanting to be the one that is saving someone or in combat although just like Rhaegar he is very clever when it comes to combat.
Magic type-Acid
Likes or dislikes humans?-Likes but is cautious unless trusted by Rhaegar
Questions/other- @Swiftheart

Name-Rhaegar Velarion
Personality-He does not like being the hero until he has too, although he is usually very confident in his abilities, he learns very quickly and some would say he's one of the smartest when it comes to combat.
Do they know magic?If so,which dragon taught them?-Yes and Xoloron taught him
Questions/other- Xoloron was given to Rhaegar as a birth gift as an egg and they have grown up together
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