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Old February 10th, 2018, 10:22 AM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Warriors' Den

Originally Posted by Liekki View Post
Nightshadow huffed loudly as she walked into the den. She glared at the other cats who were happily chatting and sat herself down, gingerly licking her paw. Her muscles ached from her long day of hunting, as she had nothing to do and hunted for almost the whole day. Her whiskers twitched and she lay herself down, closing her eyes. She was slightly annoyed by all of the talking in the den, and she sat back up growling. "Stupid cats just can't shut up," Nightshadow whispered. She wanted to tell them this directly, but refrained, as she found most cats didn't take this too kindly. She dark fur pushed against the wall of the den uncomfortably, so she scooted more into the den, the warmth from the other cats' bodies hitting her. She stretched her legs out and surveyed the room, figuring out who to rant to next.
Halfheart sighed as she walked in the den after overhearing an apprentice and a warrior argue she found it funny and had a good laugh she found that she missed laughing the light feeling in your chest afterwards . Her tail flicked a few times as she looked at the other cats in the den she snorted she didn't like cats as a whole group but individuals were fine with her that way she found some that were rather interesting . She took a deep breath and exhailed now walking over to her mossbed her ears flicked as She heard some other warriors talk she enjoyed the silence more then noise silence helps her think clearly I just don't understand how they can be so ...happy it's sickening she found herself thinking about that almost everyday how others can be happy and chitchatty when their could be something terrible happening . Halfheart shook her head slightly and looked over to a black she cat which was looking around and she tilted her head I wonder who she's looking for a friend maybe? Oh well I shouldn't be so nosey any way it's not good thing to do
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Last edited by Leucos; February 10th, 2018 at 10:23 AM.