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Old February 11th, 2018, 11:02 AM
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Default Re: Crasipan Kingdom of Dragons.

Originally Posted by Mystic View Post
``I know.. Don't worry, I'm ready to fly again.`` She stood up and went to hover a bit off ground. ``Does Axel even have magical powers?
I mean, I know I'm family to him but, oh.. I've been so busy with other stuff, like REALLY busy!`` She sighed, ``I'm such a bad sister!`` She buried her face in her face.
(Buried her face in her face... 10/10)

Dimyr gave a nod, unfolding her wings to get up off the ground as well. "I believe he has some form of magical powers, and even if he doesn't, breathing fire is enough for me to detect the aura." She then watched as she said she was a bad sister, and replied with, "You aren't a bad sister, Fara. It's just that, since we're Royal Family, we have all these duties to do, so there isn't much time to socialize." She then flew a little bit higher and said, "Lets get going. By now Father might be sending guards after us." and began flying further into the forest.
Please look here I need to use my charries ;w;
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