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Old February 13th, 2018, 08:21 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Clearing

Originally Posted by starfall View Post

[Sorry! I thought I went through and fixed all of them /v\" ]

The ebony feline quirked a brow and let out a snort, he found the golden feline to be quite amusing. He often spotted the medicine cat stride into the clearing multiple times, especially when Russetswirl was still the leader, though, since Geckoleaf left, and since the russet tom stepped down, he had noticed that the golden tabby's visits have shrank in numbers. The leader let out a shaky breath after calming himself down for a few moments, getting angry wasn't the best way to deal with important things, such as Shadowclan's medicine cat strolling into Riverclan as if they lived here. "I suppose the war doesn't effect the medicine cats as much as it does the warriors...well...not as much, just...effects you medicine cats differently." he awkwardly corrected, realizing that he managed to make it sound like the medicine cats weren't as stressed as the rest of their clans. Now that his senses were back, the stress and anger, excitement, and joy due to Honeypool's return, he remembered that Daydream was never a threat, in fact, if he remembered correctly, they were good friends with Riverclan's former apprentice, Cricketpaw, who was also Russetswirls daughter, which of course brought the pair close as well.

Fallenstar began to look everywhere except for the golden cats face, a small pout plastered on his maw. The ebony fluff ball was a grade A improviser, and is known for keeping conversations rolling at an easy pace, however, this situation just made him fairly uncomftrable. After a moment or two he finally lifted his face, his lapis hues held a calm glow, something that was rare for the tom ever since he had become deputy. "I apologize for snapping." he began, his voice an octave lower than it's usual baratone sound. "I should instead be thanking you, Riverclan's been going through a lot as of I'm sure you're aware." he quickly threw in, not wanting to make it seem as though he thought of the tabby as uninformed. Of course his attempt to save what little of a conversation that had floated around the two, only caused that small morsel of possible friendship, such as the one Daydream and Russetswirl had, grew even smaller. Making friends was hard.

"The Medicine cats handle war differently. we have more important things to worry about at the moment." they stated calmly. daydream had lots of things to do, honestly. with the war riverclan was best off left for dead without daydream training juniperpaw, and so was skyclan if they didnt train shinefang. they were all over the place when it came to their duties, not just in their clan. so they damn well wasnt in the mood to be snapped at for doing their job. fallenstar just...didnt sit right with daydream for some reason. maybe because it was such a contrast to having russetstar as a leader, a cat who they grew close to and would call their adoptive father in a way. this didnt seem right. but they wouldnt voice that observation, instead they looked fallenstar up and down, as if they were sizing him up, amber hues having an unamused glare at his presence and not acknowledging his apology for snapping. "I understand. Shadowclans been facing loss after loss lately, i think its best if we stop the wars while we all need to heal. in leaf bare of all times, it was idiotic for any of us to fight during this season." riverclans rivers were frozen over, their main source of food. thunderclan AND windclan had lack of prey from stealing and starving. shadowclan was still suffering from the flood and lack of herbs, also having lack of prey since the flood caused a lot of ice. and well..skyclan stayed in their lane. good for them.
Originally Posted by yummyluc View Post
having nothing to say to that, beetleskip only hummed, his shy smile never leaving his face. it was... nice, he had to admit, to have a conversation with someone who understood him and the way he thought, even if it was just a little bit. it was nice to be able to talk without being asked the meaning or being pestered with so much noise his head would spin. it was nice to just... be. to be able to be himself without question. he supposed that's why he liked talking to risingcreek, and why he liked his presence. because he wasn't forcing him to talk, each work was of beetleskip's own free will to speak. risingcreek was allowing beetleskip to go at his own pace rather than pushing him to talk. beetleskip... liked that. he liked the mauve tom sitting next to him. before the thought could develop any longer, he shook it away and realised he hadn't replied yet. how long had he simmered in his thoughts? he cleared his throat and shifted his paws a moment before he stood up.

" i... haven't gone hunting yet today. it's rather cold out, so i doubt there will be much but... "
he turned and began to walk away, " .. if you'd care to join me..." he said over his shoulder, basically mumbling the last part between his lips, hardly above a whisper. and with that, he looked forward and started towards the exit.
it was silent for those good few moments but risingcreek didnt mind. he enjoyed it at times, but at the mention of hunting he was on his paws and following beetleskip out the exit, having a pep in his step it seemed. he was getting older but that didnt mean he couldnt be just as energetic. when standing up he realized their major height difference. risingcreek was basically peering over beetleskip by a good amount. he didnt know why he hadnt noticed it before when theyve been on a few patrols before. he like dhunting, even if the rivers werent melted over yet. even if it was cold it was nice to get fresh air and away from the clearing chatter and enjoy the forest that they rarely hunted in. hunting with beetleskip. hm. he liked the sound of that. he stuck close to the other toms side, but not close enough to make him feel like he was invading his personal space. he had other things to do, too. like wake up frostpaw for training, but he was sure frostpaw wouldnt mind sleeping in so he could fit in a hunting session. with beetleskip of all cats. still liking the sound of that.