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Old February 16th, 2018, 04:58 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Radler View Post
@Broken Madness @Owl

Mistwing blinked as Rowanblaze bounded towards her, and rose to her paws to sit neatly before him. A touch of humor entered her tone as she responded to the russet tom's eager greeting, "Good morning to you too, Rowanblaze." Her eyes drifted over him, spotting his shadow Wolfheart behind him. Mistwing dipped her head slightly in greeting to the fierce looking she-cat, and her cold eyes flared for a moment. She justified her response in her mind by denying it as jealousy, but rather because she felt like she was putting a lot on the line befriending Rowanblaze for such surreptitious purposes, and she would likely need his full attention in the coming moons. Mistwing glanced back at Rowanblaze and continued, "I thought you went on the dawn patrol, why are you back so soon?" It was only after the words left her mouth that she noticed the suns position in the sky and added on an absentminded, "Oh."

Rowanblaze grinned at Mistwing. "Someone must be awfully sleepy to be so out of it and not realize where the sun is in the sky." He flicked his tail side to side in a playful manner, an amused expression plastered on his face. He looked at the beautiful molly's sleepy, absentminded expression. He thought back to the times he had hung out with her. He remembered the day they went on a patrol and Rowanblaze had tripped and falling into mud, causing the molly to look amused and with Rowanblaze being a playful tom, he had tackled her, getting her all muddy as well. Then he remembered how the two went on a hunting patrol, Rowanblaze had taught Mistwing to imagine life as a mouse, how small you'd be, and all the little crevices in the forest you could get in between. He told her to imagine being a squirrel, having the ability to jump from one tree to the next and swing weightlessly on a thin branch, not being afraid of falling or the branch breaking. Rowanblaze was quite the imaginative tom, one who sought the joys in life. He had hoped that Mistfall had enjoyed those times just as much as he did.

"Are you ready for the gathering tonight?" He asked her as he gazed up at the sun slowly making it's way for the moon to replace it. He hadn't been to a gathering recently. His paws tingled with slight excitement. He wasn't sure how well it would go with lingering tension between some of the clans but he was excited to reconnect with some of the warriors in the other clans.

(Since the battle is so close, I added some times they had "shared" if you wanna add your own please do so!)

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