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Old February 16th, 2018, 09:44 PM
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Midgefur Midgefur is offline
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Default Re: WindClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Opal View Post
"Oh, I know many lovely she-cats. The only problem is that their purebloods and you're...not. And, I know from experience how bad the results are when you mix a pureblood with some tainted kittypet. I mean just look at your sister wacked up in the head that one." Gorsebird finished, her shimmering with unspoken emotion, "And, no offense sweetling but, you're not what I would call 'normal' either."
Each bit of venom, no matter what sweet tone his mother spun it in, stung at Harrierclaw's chest as it came out of her. His hazel eyes were glued to a spot in the distance, but dropped to his paws when Nimblewhisker was brought up again. There was never a moment he didn't want to defend him, but no matter when or what Gorsebird would say about his brother, Harrierclaw never spoke up in front of her. A tightness kept his teeth locked together, he could barely swallow when she mentioned himself as well. He could keep his face stoic for the most part, but there was always something, a twinge of fur or too stiff a movement that would betray him.
What could he say to that? Not normal, she wasn't normal either but there was no way in StarClan that that would ever leave his muzzle.
"Y-yeah, I know." He cringed inwardly; he was a strong cat, his Warrior name was the essence of a fighter, but we was so easily clammed up just from Gorsebird's words.