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Old February 17th, 2018, 08:40 PM
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Default Re: Crasipan Kingdom of Dragons.

Originally Posted by Shadow View Post
(I love how calm Fara is XD )

Longwei let out a terrifying growl. "Ah I see, go ahead then. If this kingdom doesn't accept me for who I am...then go make that precious cousin of mine king, or hey! While your at it why not Fara?!"

"I see, blame it all on the evil's descendent, because I totally wanted to be like this, you know.... everything would've been so much more easier if you would've just killed those 'evil eggs'." He spat coldly at his father. Without another warning he shoved his father aside. "Have fun at the festival." He hissed before he flew to his room and exited through his balcony into to the night sky.
Originally Posted by Mystic View Post
XD she is usually VERY calm. Except for when her siblings fight at her because she loves them very much))

Rune growled, ``Dimyr, stay out of it TOO.`` He snapped, ``And I'm just saying Longwei should just pick a queen.`` He said and growled at Longwei, ``You don't understand! Fara is just a backup if anything goes wrong!`` He hissed and saw his son fly away, ``GO AHEAD BE LIKE THAT!`` He yelled.

Fara gasped, ``Father, I was just a backup? So I'm not important for the throne then? You just worry about having the kingdom being held balance and not about us.`` She said but in a rather calm tone and walked away with a hint of anger in the flick of her tail, ``I'm going to talk to mother.`` She hissed quietly.
Dimyr gave a slight hiss at Rune after Fara and Longwei left, saying angrily to him, "You see what I have to fix now because of your actions?!" at first being in an attack stance, but then giving a sigh as she went back to her normal stance, saying calmly, "See you at dinner. Or maybe not, who knows?" leaving to go find Longwei.
Please look here I need to use my charries ;w;
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