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Old February 18th, 2018, 03:10 PM
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Default Re: Mud, Blood, and a Flash Flood

Originally Posted by Radler View Post
Mistwing had already grown used to the comforting feeling of him so close to her side, but stiffended imperceptibly at Rowanblaze's affectionate reassurances. Though she had been feeling increasingly bad over the past moons that she didn't reciprocate his feelings and was essentially just using him, she preferred having him than not having him. But Mistwing knew that was a selfish choice, and not a loving one. She tilted his head towards him as they travelled, the unfamiliar territory beneath their paws not at all as comforting as Thunderclan's land. Mistwing responded in a hushed tone after a few moments of deliberation, "I'm alright, just thinking worst, you know." Mistwing studied the look of determination that flashed over his face and continued, "If Shadowclan and Windclan are prepared for a fight then we are walking right into a trap."
Rowanblaze's hackles rose as the stench of ShadowClan reached his nostrils. His eyes narrowed, claws unsheathing slowly as he walked. "Well, if this is a trap, Mistwing...I won't go a coward. I'll fight to protect those in my clan before I run away." The russet tom had grown serious, different than his playful, loving side. His hair stood on end, body prickling with anticipation. He didn't like ShadowClan, not one bit. However, the tom never picked a fight unless someone came at him first. Of course, he would fling himself into battle to protect another or prevent another from attacking his clan mates, but he'd never purposefully start a fight. "Let's just get this night over with." His eyes lowered as he padded closer to Mistwing, pelts brushing a lot more than before. He was worried for her safety and Wolfhearts, wherever she was at the moment.

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