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Old February 20th, 2018, 10:07 PM
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Tavvi Tavvi is offline
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Default Re: WindClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Nighty View Post
Aspenburr shifted as he sat beside the other tom. "I listen more than I talk, so I hear things fly around." He explained. The level headed tom cast a small flicker of a smile to the cat. Sweetpaw, the name didn't ring a bell, though for a tom cat, Sweet was a misinforming prefix. He didn't blame the cat for wanting a change. The information of the other being a chatterbox brought a smile to his face. The tom liked talkative cats, mostly because he didn't talk as much himself, so it helped the flow of conversation. Plus when he met a chatterbox from another clan there was always a higher chance of some secrets slipping that he could take advantage of. "Well Nimblewhisker, what are you up to today? My schedule is pretty clear, so if you have a patrol you're set for I could possibly slip in there with you."
"Not much actually, I thought I'd stop by the nursery and maybe play with my sisters for awhile but, it appears I've caught them right in the middle of nap time," Nimblewhisker stated, a tiny bit of melancholy slipping into his voice, "But, if you want we could still chat for a bit." He offered, silently praying to Starclan the offer would be excepted so he would have an escape from boredom.