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Old February 21st, 2018, 03:05 PM
Galaxy Of Wisdom Galaxy Of Wisdom is offline
The Madness King
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Default Re: ~Madness~~Broken~ ( clans of mad and sane)

Originally Posted by hiraeth View Post
@Broken Madness

blinking, a ginger she-cat strolled into the camp, her tail low. every step was tense and cautious as she made her way into the shadows, crystalline eyes dark with wariness. somebody is speaking of me. the molly, blazingsoul, raised her head to look across the camp. she huffed when she noticed who it was that was making her right ear burn. blazingsoul's eyes rolled before she turned around and trotted further from view, hoping to be able to relax after she had been honing her skills all day, wanting to keep herself in top shape. should've guessed it. moonheart and coldheart. it's obvious even when i can't hear what they're saying. what is their problem? always talking about me when i can't hear them. for all i know, they could be speaking terrible things. with a sigh, blazingsoul slumped down and closed her eyes.
Moonheart laughs softly as soon as Coldheart began to turn her attention to her mate. She smiles softly as she looks up and sees Blazingsoul almost immediately she stands up and quickly walks over to her “ hi beautiful missed me?” She purrs playfully